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Delhi doctors give new lease of life to 50-year-old woman with rare appendix cancer

Updated on: 13 May,2024 05:42 PM IST  |  New Delhi

The woman was presented at MASSH Super Specialty Hospital, with symptoms of right lower abdominal pain and nausea that persisted for 15 days. It is so uncommon and occurs in only 0.07-0.63 per cent of all appendectomy cases

Delhi doctors give new lease of life to 50-year-old woman with rare appendix cancer

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Delhi doctors give new lease of life to 50-year-old woman with rare appendix cancer

Doctors in Delhi have given a new lease of life to a 50-year-old woman with a rare appendix cancer.

The woman was presented at MASSH Super Specialty Hospital, with symptoms of right lower abdominal pain and nausea that persisted for 15 days.

Upon evaluation, the doctors found a 14.3 x 13.8 x 8.5 cm tubular, thick-walled cystic mass that extended from the base of the caecum (a pouch connected to the junction of the small and large intestines) to the right adnexa in the pelvis, indicative of Mucocele of the appendix.

"Mucocele of the appendix is a rare clinical entity, and its treatment requires meticulous care and precision, with no spillage technique. Mucocele of the appendix poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges due to its rarity,” said Dr. Sachin Ambekar, Director of Minimal Access Surgery, Surgical Oncology & Medical Director at MASSH, on Monday.

It is so uncommon and occurs in only 0.07-0.63 per cent of all appendectomy cases.

The team resorted to 3D laparoscopy to ensure precise visualisation and meticulous dissection.

During the procedure, adhesions were visualised in 360-degree depth perception not seen in conventional laparoscopy, and meticulous dissection was carried out without any mucinous spill.

A cystic mass of the appendix (14.3 x 13.8 x 8.5 cm), with inflamed walls but without perforation was located in the right iliac fossa. Notably, no lesions were found in the peritoneal cavity.

"3D Laparoscopy played a crucial role in this operation by enabling us to visualise and dissect with never before seen 360-degree in-depth precision. This technology offers significant advantages over conventional laparoscopy, particularly in delicate procedures such as this," Dr. Ambekar said.

Remarkably, the patient experienced no complications during the postoperative period and was discharged from the hospital on the second day, the doctor said.

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