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New flick to reveal the history of vibrator!

Updated on: 08 November,2010 10:57 AM IST  | 

Ever wondered when was the first time a woman used a vibrator? Well now you won't - a new movie is set to reveal the history of the sex aid soon

New flick to reveal the history of vibrator!

Ever wondered when was the first time a woman used a vibrator? Well now you won't - a new movie is set to reveal the history of the sex aid soon.

Maggie Gyllenhaal, 32, plays a 19th century girl who falls for the man who invented the motorised sex aid as a medical treatment for 'hysterical' women, reports The Sun.

The gizmos were prescribed by Victorian doctors when women suffered anxiety, insomnia, irritability or nervousness.

"When I heard about the invention of the vibrator I felt that, if I never did another film in my life, I had to do this story," said Director Tanya Wexler.

Jonathan Pryce, 62, who will also star in the movie Hysteria, said, "There are humorous elements, but ultimately it's a film about female emancipation."

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