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Know Your Fish now lets consumers customise their consumption calendar

Updated on: 11 July,2022 10:48 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Tanishka D’Lyma |

A voluntary initiative that encourages responsible seafood consumption has launched an innovative, handy tool to make things easier in the kitchen

Know Your Fish now lets consumers customise their consumption calendar

Make Your Own Calendar

Take matters into your own thali with some help from the seafood initiative, Know Your Fish (KYF). The platform that started in February 2017 helps consumers make informed choices about seafood based on breeding seasons, by sharing monthly lists of the species one should avoid eating so that they can repopulate. Pooja Rathod, its co-founder, marine biologist and wildlife filmmaker, shares that nearly 50 species along India’s West coast are shared on their lists, and rarely does the consumer eat all varieties. 

Black pomfretBlack pomfret

So, KYF recently launched the Make Your Own Calendar to let consumers customise their lists and track breeding seasons of up to 10 fish species that they eat. This was done to encourage sustainable eating habits among consumers in case they may tire of having to come back to the website or social media handle every month to update themselves about the list, or forget to do so. Rathod affirms, “We believe in the cause more than likes or follower count. And those wanting to know more about fish species are always tuned in.”

Bombay duckBombay duck

Last week, a clean snacks retailer took a social media break, unable to keep up with a platform’s algorithms demanding certain content to facilitate reach and gain views. As creators and accounts constantly struggle to please the algorithm gods to help further business, KYF seems to have struck balance with their priorities in order. Highlighting the reach that they are interested in, the platform plans to introduce website content in Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi and Malayalam to make it accessible to more consumers. 


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