New Twitter chief Parag Agrawal’s open letter to his organisation has taken social media by storm. Experts decode the underlying subtext of the email as well as key takeaways for working professionals
Parag Agrawal and Jack Dorsey. Pics/Twitter
Even as the dust settles after Jack Dorsey’s surprise exit from Twitter, an organisation that he founded and held the reins of as CEO since its inception, his successor Parag Agrawal has been making his presence felt. The company-wide email he issued (and subsequently shared on social media) after assuming office, has set a clear tone about the kind of leadership his team and the wider organisation can expect in the days to come. “To me, an open letter is an indicator of its author seeking to establish open and transparent communication. Parag’s letter in particular is a sign of him wanting to build trust and rapport, not just with his immediate team, but also with all the stakeholders [including Twitter users] by opening up a dialogue. Since he was a relatively unknown face as compared to the celebrity aura of Jack, there were many questions about who he was, what he was going to do and where the company would be headed under his leadership. By taking the conversation into his own hands, he has quelled any cross-chatter within and beyond the Twitter,” observes business coach Farzana Suri.
Clear and focused communication during a handover is essential
Relatable and likeable
As a leader, Agrawal is aiming to establish that he is relatable and approachable, says image consultant Greeshma Thampi. “By positioning himself as one of the team, he has created rapport by establishing commonality. The idea of him having walked in the same shoes as other employees makes him relatable and hence likeable. At the same time, he is giving employees in the company hope that there is a bright future ahead of them. If he could make it from an engineer to the CEO, any of them could. This idea was also emphasised in Jack’s letter,” she adds.
Agrawal’s letter to Twitter employees
Leadership style
“As CEO, Parag is definitely inheriting a mixed legacy — while it is a very prestigious appointment, it comes on the back of a fair share of controversy directed towards his predecessor, Jack. It is thus crucial for Parag to proactively state his approach to leadership, which he has done through this letter,” Suri explains. “Through his letter, Parag has demonstrated a blend of democratic and laissez-faire (let-them-be) leadership styles. While a democratic leadership style involves the leader making decisions based on the inputs given by the team members, the leader still takes the final call. As a result, the team members feel valued. Laissez-faire leaders have an attitude of trust and reliance on their employees. This is in line with Twitter’s culture, which breeds innovation and self-expression. Parag’s letter shows that he is able to anticipate what might come next as well as provide a solution in advance — this indicates that he has great clarity of thought, a fantastic leadership trait,” Thampi adds.
Farzana Suri and Greeshma Thampi
Sharing his vision
A key objective that this email achieves is clearly communicating Agrawal’s (and, by extension, the company’s) shared vision. This, Suri says, can often be difficult to percolate from the higher echelons of the company’s hierarchy. “By using the best resource at his disposal, Parag has ensured that Twitter’s internal and external stakeholders have a clear idea of what to expect and the common goals they are all working towards,” she clarifies. “Parag comes across as someone with a clear understanding of the company’s vision and who has a strategy to achieve it. He focuses on purpose and ambitious goals to motivate the team. He also shows that he is willing to get his hands dirty,” Thampi adds.
Frame it right
While framing a handover letter, Thampi and Suri suggest paying heed to these key takeaways from Agrawal’s email:
. Express gratitude
. Be humble
. Communicate openness
. Proactively anticipate both positive and negative responses
. Demonstrate approachability
I’m grateful for all of you, and it’s you who inspire confidence in our future together. I joined this company 10 years ago when there were fewer than 1,000 employees […] I’ve walked in your shoes, I’ve seen the ups and downs, the challenges and obstacles, the wins and the mistakes […] I see Twitter’s incredible impact, our continued progress, and the exciting opportunities ahead of us. Our purpose has never been more important […] There is no limit to what we can do together.