While I’m not overly fond of the fruit, this cold juice version is welcome respite on warm, humid days
A cup of chilled apple juice
Travelling along the Western Railway has become a part of my daily routine for years now. On several occasions, when I’m dreading the start of a long day or feeling low at the end of it, and the city-heat has me feeling rather cranky, I stop at a small stall at Churchgate terminus with large dispensers filled with freshly-made apple juice.
While I’m not overly fond of the fruit, this cold juice version is welcome respite on warm, humid days. At only Rs 10 a cup, this has been a saving grace for me as well as my mother, during our local train commute. Over time, it has become synonymous with a refreshing break. The store is dedicated to the fruit, and sells other apple products including apple cider vinegar and concentrates.
At Near platform No. 4, Churchgate railway terminus