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Five held after Mumbai Police seize Rs 1.32 crore in cash in Bhuleshwar market

Updated on: 27 October,2024 03:13 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Apoorva Agashe |

After questioning the suspects about the origins of the cash, the entire amount was seized and placed under safe custody at the police station

Five held after Mumbai Police seize Rs 1.32 crore in cash in Bhuleshwar market

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Five held after Mumbai Police seize Rs 1.32 crore in cash in Bhuleshwar market

In a significant operation in Mumbai's bustling Bhuleshwar Market, police seized over Rs 1.32 crore in cash, detaining five suspects linked to suspicious financial activities. 

Acting on a tip-off about the presence of individuals carrying large amounts of cash, Mumbai Police set up a coordinated raid around 2:45 PM, leading to the detainment of five individuals at the market site. Following the detainment, the police called for assistance from the Flying Squad Team (FST) of the 186-Mumbadevi Assembly Constituency, ensuring a secure and documented handling of the evidence. 

The FST team, along with photographers, recorded the operation, verifying the amount and handling of cash. The suspects were taken to the VP Marg Police Station, where an inspection of their bags revealed a total of Rs 1,32,41,100 The FST team counted and documented the cash, securing it in sealed custody as per standard protocol. 

The Income Tax Department was notified and quickly dispatched officials to investigate. After questioning the suspects about the origins of the cash, the entire amount was seized and placed under safe custody at the police station. 

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