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Activists raised objections over Mumbai civic body's plan to auction BEST substation on Malabar Hill

Updated on: 12 November,2024 11:14 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Prajakta Kasale |

The Mumbai civic body has been facing financial difficulties for some time, with its fixed deposits falling from Rs 92,000 crore to Rs 82,000 crore in just two years. To generate revenue, BMC decided to auction off some of its properties including BEST Substation land. This plan was included in current budget, and the tender was released recently

Activists raised objections over Mumbai civic body's plan to auction BEST substation on Malabar Hill

BMC estimated Rs. 545 crore revenue from the plot

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Activists raised objections over Mumbai civic body's plan to auction BEST substation on Malabar Hill

While the BMC has floated a tender to auction BEST Substation plot at Malabar Hill to generate revenue, activists objected to the plan claiming the plot is part of a recreation garden and any structure other than substation cannot be built on it. The BMC was estimated to get around Rs. 545 crore from the deal.  

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) has been facing financial difficulties for some time, with its fixed deposits falling from R92,000 crore to R82,000 crore in just two years. To generate revenue, the BMC decided to auction off some of its properties including the BEST Substation land. This plan was included in the current budget, and the tender was released recently. 

As per the tender notice, the BMC proposed auction of Municipal property bearing C.S. No. 439 (pt.) of Malabar Hill Division in 'D' ward having BEST Receiving Station on lease basis for a period of 60 years through private participation and developing the said plot under relevant Regulations of DCPR-2034. 

Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) intends to dispose the land bearing C.S. no. 439 (pt) Malbar Hill Division on lease as per policy of BMC for its commercial exploitation and bid offers invited by offering maximum Market Price.

The BMC mentioned that as per sanctioned DP 2034 of 'D' Ward, the land is situated in Residential (R) Zone. The existing amenities affecting the subject plot are -  EOS2.6 (Recreation Ground) (Part of larger existing amenities) (256.20 sq.m.), EPU2.5 (Electricity Transmission & Distribution Facilities) (2432.42 sq.m.) and EOS2.7 (Green Belt) (Part of larger existing amenities) (5623.63 sq.m.). The notice mentioned that the development of the plot is therefore to be done on a portion of the plot affected by the existing amenity of EPU2.5 (Electricity Transmission & Distribution Facilities) on the area of 2432.42 sq.m. the BMC claims that as per PR card the ownership of the land vests with BMC. The total project cost is considered with maximum potential of plot and the base value of the plot is Rs. 545 crores.

Zoru Bathena with other activists filed objections to the tender on Tuesday. Zoru said, It is true that a BEST Receiving Station stands on part of this plot. But this is only because Electric Receiving Stations are a permissible activity on Green Garden plots. If BMC no longer requires an electric sub-station on the said plot, they are statutorily required to restore the Public Garden. But, they cannot auction away our public garden plots for commercial gain. 

Another activist claimed that the plot forms part of the Green Hill Slope of Malabar Hill, and the larger plot forms a part of the Green Heritage Precinct of Hanging Garden. The said plot falls under CRZ NDZ. And it also falls within the Funnel of Vision of Hanging Garden (Phirozshah Mehta Garden) where there is a restriction on development even under the DCPR (Development Control Rules). In fact, this plot is part of the existing Shantivan Garden on CS 439. 

Activists sent their objections to the commissioner of the BMC on Tuesday and received a response that their objections were forwarded to concerned additional commissioner and the general manager of the BEST. 

What happened till date…

One of the sites up for auction is the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Mandai, located in the 'A' ward. Initially, the plan was to relocate local fisherfolk to this market after its reconstruction. However, a BMC official stated that once this land is leased, the current reservation for the market and municipal offices will be removed. The company or contractor acquiring the land will be permitted to develop it for residential or commercial purposes.
Additionally a part of the asphalt plant in Worli will also be leased. Since these three locations are currently unused, the BMC is aiming to generate revenue from leasing them.

Aaditya Thackeray, Shiv Sena leader held a press conference last month and alleged that the corporation has now decided to auction three of its iconic plots to raise funds and make up for the loot of the Eknath Shinde regime.He further alleged that the Eknath Shinde regime had started the sale of Mumbai to his favourite builders and contractors. It’s also possible that eventually Eknath Shinde and BJP will also auction the Hutatma Smarak, and earn ‘khokes’ (money) out of that too!

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