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BMC removes 87 structures to make way for Goregaon-Mulund road

Updated on: 29 March,2023 06:43 PM IST  |  Mumbai
mid-day online correspondent |

Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has taken up the ambitious project of Goregaon Mulund Link Road (Link Road) with a total distance of about 12 km

BMC removes 87 structures to make way for Goregaon-Mulund road

BMC said that the action was taken in the 700 meter stretch from Civil and Sessions Court located in Dindoshi to Film City Marg Junction

The P North Ward on Wednesday, March 29, took action to remove 87 constructions obstructing the Goregaon-Mulund link road; an action which the BMC said was very important for “reducing the traffic burden” connecting the western and eastern suburbs of Mumbai.

“The action was taken in the 700 meter stretch from Civil and Sessions Court located in Dindoshi to Film City Marg Junction. The route of this road within the limits of P North division is now almost cleared,” read the press release by BMC.

Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation has taken up the ambitious project of Goregaon Mulund Link Road (Link Road) with a total distance of about 12 km. Out of this distance, about 2.8 km of road will be within the limits of P North Division. As this road is proposed to be about 45.70 meters wide, a total of 237 constructions in the distance within the boundary of P north ward would obstruct the construction of the road.

Also read: Mumbai to witness 15 per cent water cut for a month from March 31, says BMC

“Almost all the constructions obstructing the Goregaon-Mulund road within the limits of P North Division have now been removed and this will make it possible for the concerned department to start the widening of the Goregaon Mulund Road, said Assistant Commissioner of P North Division Mr. Given by Kiran Dighavkar,” the release read.


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