Officers from Mumbai Central, Kandivli and Virar worked in tandem to devise action plan to address failures
WR identified problems related to AC unit, traction motor, doors and electrical fixtures. Pic/Ashish Raje
Following commuter complaints, Western Railway said it has systematically narrowed down problems of AC local trains and successfully redressed them. The WR Mumbai has a fleet of seven AC local trains operating 96 daily services. It was found that four key problems included leaks from AC and temperature variations, jamming of doors, problems in the train’s electrical equipment and the snag in the train’s motors.
“To tackle this issue head-on, a team comprising officers and supervisors of EMU car shed at Mumbai Central, Kandivli and Virar worked in tandem and devised a Reliability Action Plan (RAP) to address the failures in Air-conditioned rakes. Through rigorous testing and data analysis of all Air-Conditioned EMU rakes, key factors contributing to the failures were identified. After critical analysis of the failures, they were classified into different heads and sub-heads,” WR chief public relations officer Vineet Abhishek, said.
With the new approach, WR claims to have addressed the root cause of problems affecting commuters on AC local trains. Pic/Ashish Raje
“Some of the major concerns which were addressed were pertaining to Roof Mounted Package AC Unit (RMPU), Traction Motor (TM), Automatic Door Closure (ADC) and BHEL Electrics and Equipment. Due to diligent analysis, strategic planning and collaborative effort, the failures in AC rakes have significantly reduced,”
he said.
Abhishek said developing a robust Reliability Action Plan involved post root cause analysis, along with a clear understanding of the challenges ahead. “With the plan and a multi-dimensional approach, we could identify and systematically approach and solve the issue permanently. It is pertinent to mention that the results were remarkable and a significant reduction in line failures were witnessed leading to a marked improvement in commuter satisfaction,” he added.
“This not only boosted the confidence amongst the employees but also paved the way for future innovation and Reliability Action Plans. What had begun as a series of setbacks evolved into a transformative journey of improvement and success as well as an opportunity for learning and growth. Team WR not only overcame the challenges at hand but also emerged stronger and more resilient than ever before,” he said.
No. of AC local trains on WR
Problems identified
Mounted Package AC Unit (RMPU): Water leakage, temperature variation.
Traction Motor (TM): Problems of snags and failures leading to detention and delay of services.
£Automatic Door Closure (ADC): Problems included jamming of doors, not opening and closing leading to commuter inconvenience and detention.
£BHEL Electrics and Equipment: Problems included technical snags, effect on electrical amenities leading to commuter inconvenience and detention.