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Maharashtra elections 2024: Vote for us and continue to benefit from Ladki Bahin, Mahayuti

Updated on: 13 November,2024 08:31 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Sameer Surve |

“Our team is meeting with beneficiaries of government schemes, especially those from the Ladki Bahin scheme, which has a large number of recipients. The team also reaches out to youth benefiting from related schemes.

Maharashtra elections 2024: Vote for us and continue to benefit from Ladki Bahin, Mahayuti

According to records, about two lakh women in Mumbai city benefit from the Ladki Bahin scheme. Representation pic

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Maharashtra elections 2024: Vote for us and continue to benefit from Ladki Bahin, Mahayuti

Mahayuti party workers are reaching out to beneficiaries of state and central government schemes to inform them about the benefits of the Mahayuti government. There are about 13 lakh beneficiaries of the Ladki Bahin scheme in Mumbai, while the total number of voters in the city is approximately 1.03 crore.

Sources from the BJP told mid-day, “We have a database of all beneficiaries under the Ladki Bahin scheme. Our booth-level leaders are meeting these beneficiaries to explain how this scheme supports people and how the Mahayuti government is working for the public through its implementation. We also reassure them that if our government returns to power, the scheme will continue to benefit women.”

The booth-level team visits households with their teams for party outreach, informing people about the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and the Rojgar Mahaswayam scheme for youth, which provides apprenticeships with stipends. “We use this database to connect with beneficiaries of all schemes,” they added.

Vinod Mishra, a former BJP senior corporator, said, “Our team is meeting with beneficiaries of government schemes, especially those from the Ladki Bahin scheme, which has a large number of recipients. The team also reaches out to youth benefiting from related schemes. However, this is a routine outreach as our booth-level teams visit every household in the city.” Mishra noted that people have shared how they received permanent houses under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and how their relatives in villages received Rs 6,000 under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Yojana.

According to records, about 2 lakh women in Mumbai city benefit from the Ladki Bahin scheme, while in the suburbs, 11.84 lakh women are registered under it. A BJP leader mentioned that in each of Mumbai's 36 constituencies, 30,000 to 35,000 women benefit from the scheme. “This represents a substantial voter base. Although our primary focus is to secure 100 per cent of votes from these beneficiaries, even achieving more than 50 per cent would be a bonus for us,” the leader said. The average number of voters in each constituency is between 2.5 to 3 lakh.

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