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Maharashtra govt introduces mandatory safety measures for schools

Updated on: 08 October,2024 08:35 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Dipti Singh |

These include installing adequate surveillance systems, carrying out safety drills regularly

Maharashtra govt introduces mandatory safety measures for schools

The initiative is part of a broader strategy to deter any potential safety breaches and protect students on school premises. Representation pic

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Maharashtra govt introduces mandatory safety measures for schools

To enhance the safety and security of students across the state, the Department of School Education has introduced a comprehensive set of guidelines aimed at ensuring the well-being of students in educational institutions. It has instructed schools to implement the measures and provide feedback on them.

According to the latest directive, all schools must install adequate surveillance systems, such as CCTV cameras, in key areas to monitor student activities and maintain a secure environment on the premises. This initiative is part of a broader strategy to deter potential safety breaches and protect students within the school campus.

In addition to this, the department has emphasised the importance of regular safety drills. Schools have been instructed to conduct routine emergency drills for students, teachers, and staff to prepare them for potential crises, including fires, earthquakes and other emergencies.

Transportation safety has also been brought into focus, with schools being mandated to ensure that vehicles used for student transport are thoroughly inspected and meet safety regulations. Drivers will be required to undergo proper training to ensure the safe transportation of students.

The department has also stressed the importance of first aid and medical preparedness, instructing schools to maintain well-stocked first aid kits and train personnel in basic medical care. Schools have also been encouraged to establish ties with local hospitals or clinics to address critical medical situations swiftly.

“A firm stance has been taken against bullying and schools are required to implement strict anti-bullying policies to safeguard students from harassment or harm. Regular counselling sessions are also advised to address any issues related to bullying or abuse, ensuring a healthy and supportive environment for students,” said Sharad Gosavi, director of education (primary).

“All schools have been requested to provide feedback and suggestions on the safety measures. We hope to gather input to refine and further improve the safety protocols across the educational institutions across the state,” Gosavi said, adding that this initiative marks a significant step towards creating a safer environment for students, ensuring their physical and emotional well-being is prioritised.

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