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Maharashtra: Three held under Black Magic Act for promising 'cash rain' to a man

Updated on: 18 January,2023 12:10 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Samiullah Khan |

According to police sources, Damble was trying to dupe a 39-year-old Valsad resident Kamlesh Jogari

Maharashtra: Three held under Black Magic Act for promising 'cash rain' to a man

The three arrested accused were identified as Manik Batra, Ketan Patil and Shrinath Bhoye

The Palghar district Jawhar Police Station has busted a gang and arrested three persons who allegedly used to dupe people by pretending to make cash rain with black magic. Taking the advantage of the darkness, the two accused have absconded from the spot. One of the accused is an advocate who was practicing in the Bombay High Court and is said to be the mastermind of this gang.

The Jawahar police have booked four accused under sections 34, 420, 489A, 489E and 511 of the IPC and section 3 of the Maharashtra Prevention and Eradication of Human Sacrifice and other Inhuman, Evil and Aghori Practices and Black Magic Act. The three arrested accused were identified as Manik Batra, Ketan Patil and Shrinath Bhoye, accused Tukaram Dambale is said to be the mastermind of the gang.

According to police sources, Damble was trying to dupe a 39-year-old Valsad resident Kamlesh Jogari. The Valsad resident was asked by Damble to bring Rs 1.5 lakh, to whom he had promised to make Rs five lakhs and give to Jogari by showering money with black magic.

Jogari used to work as Pandit in a temple where he resided. He has abilities and also knowledge of Ayurveda medicines and used to give medicine to people for various diseases.

Damble was suffering from some skin disease and he went to Jogari to take treatment in 2022. Jagran had borrowed money from one of his relatives and was demanding the same from Jogari at the same time Damble was present there.

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Damble heard and told him not to worry he told Jogari that he has a method that he can make money rain by black magic and asked Jogari to arrange Rs 1.5 lakh. Jogari sold his tractor deposited Rs 1.9 lakh and informed Damble.

Damble went to Valsad with his companions and was taking Jogari in an Innova car to his village Vikramgarh. Two more people joined them in the midway near Talasari on bikes and they were heading towards Vikramgarh.

But before that the police caught them, Dambale taking the advantage of the darkness escaped the rest and were caught and taken to the police station, the officer added.

We have input about this and have informed our senior officers. We laid a trap and caught the car during nakabandi. During the search, we recovered several bundles of fake Rs 2,000 notes and plane paper of note size was also recovered. We also recovered things used to perform puja, said senior inspector Sudhir Sankhe.

The accused were booked and arrested under various sections of IPC and the black magic act was produced before the court and they remanded police custody, he added.

The absconding accused is said to be the mastermind of this gang. He is an advocate by profession and was arrested earlier in a similar kind of case by the Vikramgarh police station on the charges of black magic, said another officer.

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