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Mid-day campaign| Mumbai road safety: Readers flag more deadly speed breakers from around city

Updated on: 05 November,2024 10:21 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Ranjeet Jadhav |

Following mid-day’s report about unmarked, broken and oversized speed breakers, mid-day readers call attention to more

Mid-day campaign| Mumbai road safety: Readers flag more deadly speed breakers from around city

An unmarked speed breaker near the westbound arm of the Mrinal Tai Gore flyover on the WEH on Monday. Pic/Satej Shinde

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Mid-day campaign| Mumbai road safety: Readers flag more deadly speed breakers from around city

After mid-day’s campaign highlighting the dangers posed by unmarked and broken speed breakers, several readers pointed out specific locations across the city where the traffic calming devices need to be painted for better visibility. Concerned about the safety of motorists and two-wheeler riders, they implored the authorities to paint the speed bumps and install reflectors.

Visits to three spots across the city revealed how the lives of Mumbaikars are imperilled by barely visible speed breakers, whose presence forces motorists and two-wheeler riders to hit the brakes, paving the way for potentially gruesome mishaps.

An unpainted road hump on Padma Bhushan Dev Anand Road at Pali Hill in Bandra West. Pic/Ashish Raje An unpainted road hump on Padma Bhushan Dev Anand Road at Pali Hill in Bandra West. Pic/Ashish Raje 

Pali Hill, Bandra West

The roads in this upscale area, which is home to several celebrities, including figures from the film industry, lacked clearly distinguishable speed bumps.

An unpainted road hump on Padma Bhushan Dev Anand Road at Pali Hill in Bandra West. Pics/Ashish RajeAn unpainted road hump on Padma Bhushan Dev Anand Road at Pali Hill in Bandra West. Pics/Ashish Raje

When mid-day visited the area on Monday, a speed breaker whose markings had faded was spotted on Padma Bhushan Dev Anand Road. On the arterial Nargis Dutt Road, speed breakers near ICICI Bank, the Delphi building, Sunita B Nanda Chowk, Palace Sea View and Nakshatra 65 bungalow could barely be made out.

The aforementioned speed breakers were either on steep inclines, making proper markings and reflectors all the more important so that motorists and two-wheeler riders don’t have to apply emergency brakes.

An unadorned speed bump near ICICI Bank on Nargis Dutt Rd in BandraAn unadorned speed bump near ICICI Bank on Nargis Dutt Rd in Bandra

Author and podcast host Anupam Gupta, highlighting the issue on X, stated: “Pali Hill has these poorly marked speed breakers that could do with a fresh coat of paint and better warning signs.” Ketan Panchal, a motorist who frequently visits Pali Hill said, “The authorities should at least understand that Pali Hill has a steep ascent and descent, so speed breakers should be properly painted. The low visibility of speed breakers increases chances of accidents.”

Pant Nagar, Ghatkopar East

A speed bump opposite Acharya Atre Maidan at Pant Nagar in Ghatkopar East. Pics/Sayyed Sameer AbediA speed bump opposite Acharya Atre Maidan at Pant Nagar in Ghatkopar East. Pics/Sayyed Sameer Abedi

There are around five speed breakers on the 400-metre stretch of Pant Nagar Colony Road between Pant Nagar police station and Technical High School at Ghatkopar East. There are two speed breakers opposite the police station. Near Acharya Atre Maidan, there is one speed breaker while there is another opposite the ground and Technical High School.  These of these road calming devices are unmarked. “This is one of the busy roads of Pant Nagar. But these speed breakers are not marked, which is puzzling for motorists,” said a resident.

A barely marked speed breaker near Technical High SchoolA barely marked speed breaker near Technical High School

Sachin Manjrekar, a local social activist, said, “These speed breakers have been unmarked for a long time. Is there really a need for five speed breakers on a 400-metre stretch? The speed breakers are tall, which causes difficulties for the bikers. The BMC can use rumblers here. Why do they need outdated speed breakers?”

A barely marked speed breaker near Technical High SchoolA barely marked speed breaker near Technical High School

Vanrai, Goregaon

Motorists and two-wheeler riders travelling via service road along the southbound stretch of the Western Express Highway (WEH) between Vanrai police station and the Jogeshwari–Vikhroli Link Road junction are met with speed breakers that lack proper marking every few metres.

An unmarked speed breaker near westbound arm of the Mrinal Tai Gore flyover on the WEH on Monday. Pics/Satej ShindeAn unmarked speed breaker near westbound arm of the Mrinal Tai Gore flyover on the WEH on Monday. Pics/Satej Shinde

One such road hump is just a few hundred meters away from the Vanrai police station.

Motorist Rupesh Patkar said, “Two-wheeler riders and motorists are compelled to apply emergency brakes on the stretch, which could lead to accidents. It’s high time the authorities paint the speed breakers or install reflectors on them.”

A road hump on the service road near the Nesco ColonyA road hump on the service road near the Nesco Colony

Motorists and bikers have to contend with an unmarked speed breaker just a few metres near the stretch of the Mrinaltai Gore flyover arm, which goes from east to west.

Readers speak

Yari Road, bus depot

‘Unmarked speed breakers are dangerous’
“At Yari Road, near bus depot in Andheri there are unmarked speed bumps,” said Iqbal Gilani Mansuri, who provided three photos of speed bumps. “Authoriites should paint them,” he added.

Bumps on V N Purav MargBumps on V N Purav Marg

‘Road humps are poorly maintained’
Vinod H Shah, a Chunabhatti resident, said, “Speed bumps are poorly maintained, ill-designed and put up without caution boards. Speed bumps are not only bad for passing vehicles but for safety of the general public.”

Speed bump near Oberoi MallSpeed bump near Oberoi Mall

‘Purpose is defeated’
James Marcel said, “The speed breaker a little before Oberoi Mall is half broken, leaving enough space for motorcycle riders to navigate the bump without slowing down. Completely defeating the purpose.”

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