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'Air-Venti' app to provide information on ICU beds, ventilators

Updated on: 18 June,2020 09:42 AM IST  |  Mumbai

The app is connected to the dashboard of the city's disaster control room and its link can also be accessed through the Mumbai civic body's app

'Air-Venti' app to provide information on ICU beds, ventilators

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Amid the COVID-19 crisis, citizens of Mumbai can now get information about the availability of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds and ventilators in hospitals of the city through a new mobile app, Mayor Kishori Pednekar has said. It would help people during emergency situations, she said after launching the 'Air-Venti' app on Wednesday. "The app would help citizens in finding about the availability of ICU beds and ventilators in Mumbai hospitals," Pednekar told reporters.

The app is connected to the dashboard of the city's disaster control room and its link can also be accessed through the Mumbai civic body's app, she said. The 'Air-Venti' app can be downloaded through the Google Play Store, she added.

Till Wednesday, Mumbai reported 61,501 COVID-19 cases and 3,242 deaths due to the disease.

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