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Remembering Bhagat Singh: Five lesser known facts about the freedom fighter

Updated on: 23 September,2023 05:30 PM IST  |  Mumbai
mid-day online correspondent |

Bhagat Singh is an iconic figure in India's struggle for independence, known for his courage, patriotism, and sacrifice

Remembering Bhagat Singh: Five lesser known facts about the freedom fighter

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Bhagat Singh is an iconic figure in India's struggle for independence, known for his courage, patriotism, and sacrifice. While many aspects of his life are widely celebrated, there are also lesser-known facts about this freedom fighter. Here are five such lesser-known facts about Bhagat Singh:


Bhagat Singh's patriotism was evident from a very young age. He became involved in the India's freedom struggle as a teenager and was deeply influenced by the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in 1919, which he witnessed at the age of 12.

Fasting in Jail:

During his time in prison, Bhagat Singh and his fellow inmates conducted hunger strikes to protest against the inhumane treatment they received. One of the notable aspects of these hunger strikes was Bhagat Singh's refusal to accept any special privileges or concessions, even when his health deteriorated. This demonstrated his unwavering commitment to the principles of equality and justice.

Early Interest in Theatre:

Bhagat Singh had a keen interest in theater. He often participated in plays during his school days. His favorite character was that of Kartar Singh Sarabha, another freedom fighter. This interest in theater later contributed to his dramatic protests and hunger strikes in jail, where he and his fellow inmates would stage plays to raise awareness about their cause.

Was an Avid Reader:

Bhagat Singh was not only a revolutionary but also an avid reader. He read a wide range of books, including those on socialism, history, and literature. He was greatly influenced by the works of socialist thinkers like Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin. His intellectual pursuits played a significant role in shaping his revolutionary ideology.

Nom de Guerre:

Bhagat Singh adopted the pseudonym "Shaheed-e-Azam" (which means "Martyr" or "Hero of the Nation") during his time as a revolutionary. This name symbolized his unwavering commitment to the cause of India's independence and his willingness to sacrifice his life for it.

Bhagat Singh's life and legacy continue to inspire generations of Indians. These lesser-known facts about him shed light on the multi-faceted personality of this iconic freedom fighter and his dedication to the struggle for India's independence.

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