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Romania: 10 injured after suspect stabs, drives into people

Updated on: 12 November,2018 10:44 AM IST  |  Bucharest (Romania)
AP |

Dan says the suspect drove off and allegedly struck two people on a ring road, then later rammed the doors of a shopping mall in the city of Braila

Romania: 10 injured after suspect stabs, drives into people

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Emergency officials in Romania say a 20-year-old stabbed another man and then drove a car into people on a road and at a shopping mall, injuring 10 in total.'

None of the injuries are considered life-threatening. Braila County Police spokeswoman Laura Dan said the stabbing allegedly happened following an altercation over ownership of the vehicle. Dan says the suspect drove off and allegedly struck two people on a ring road, then later rammed the doors of a shopping mall in the city of Braila.

Seven people were injured at the mall, including two children ages 11 and 13. Braila Emergency Hospital spokeswoman Alina Neacsu said the stabbing victim had chest and stomach wounds and underwent surgery. Dan says the suspect had a blood alcohol level of 0.37 mg and was uninjured. Drinking any amount of alcohol and then driving is illegal in Romania.

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