


Birthday special: Arnold Schwarzenegger - The action star!

Birthday special: Arnold Schwarzenegger - The action star!

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who turned 75 today (July 30), has many accolades to his credit - from being a former professional bodybuilder to an actor and later a politician. He has also won the prestigious bodybuilding contest 'Mr Olympia' 7 times

30 July,2022 07:45 AM IST
Aaditya Thackeray inaugurates Gazdarbandh pumping station in Khar

Aaditya Thackeray inaugurates Gazdarbandh pumping station in Khar

Yuva Sena chief Aaditya Thackeray was recently spotted at Khar, where the young politician was seen inaugurating Gazdarbandh Storm Water Pumping Station along with Mumbai Mayor Vishwanath Mahadeshwar. Aditya took to Instagram to share pictures of the event where he is seen taking stock of the city's sixth water pumping station. (All Pictures Courtesy/Instagram Aaditya Thackeray)

28 June,2019 08:09 AM IST

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