


Watch EAM Jaishankar’s opening remarks at India-Ukraine delegation meet

Watch EAM Jaishankar’s opening remarks at India-Ukraine delegation meet

EAM S Jaishankar held a delegation level meeting with Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on March 29 in Delhi. In his opening remark during delegation meet with Ukraine FM, EAM Jaishankar said that a very substantial agenda for discussions has been made. He further said, “In recent months, we have had interactions at various levels, I am glad to see some of our bilateral mechanisms have also met and this has created certain momentum in our bilateral relationship. Today, after this discussion, we look forward also to the meeting of the intergovernmental commission. Your visit gives us an opportunity to understand the situation in your own region...Our teams have prepared a very substantial agenda for discussions...” External Affairs Minister, S Jaishankar on March 29 met with his Ukrainian Counterpart, Dmytro Kuleba, who is on an official visit to India. Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba arrived in India for a two-day official visit at the invitation of EAM Jaishankar

29 March,2024 07:35 PM IST
Vladimir Putin warns of World War 3 in election victory speech

Vladimir Putin warns of World War 3 in election victory speech

Vladimir Putin won the Russian Presidential Elections with nearly 88 per cent votes. While addressing Russian citizens, the newly elected President Putin warned of World War III. Direct conflict between Russia, NATO would mean the world would be “one step away” from World War III. The Ukraine conflict has triggered deepest crisis in Moscow's relations with West since 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Putin has often warned of the risks of nuclear war but says he has never felt the need to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Elections in Russia came just over two years since the full-scale conflict broke out between Ukraine, Russia. It has been considered as one of the Europe’s deadliest conflict since the World War II. The chair of the central election commission in Moscow said Putin won a record 88 pc of the vote. He received more votes in comparison to the 2018 Elections where he bagged 76.69 per cent of the total votes counted. Vladimir Putin was first elected as the President in 2000 and re-elected in 2004, 2012, 2018 and 2024 respectively.

18 March,2024 12:32 PM IST
Jaishankar’s Japan Visit: Jaishankar's response to ‘double standard' allegations

Jaishankar’s Japan Visit: Jaishankar's response to ‘double standard' allegations

India’s External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar on March 08 snubbed the ‘double standard allegations against India. He was told that India has not criticised Russia in the country’s ongoing conflict with Ukraine and people think of it as “double st andards” of India. To this, Jaishankar sharply replied and said, “We in India know better than almost any other country. Because immediately after our independence, we experienced aggression. We experienced an effort to change our boundaries and even today, parts of India are occupied by another country. But we did not see the world responds saying that there’s a great principle involved and therefore let us all go with India. Yes, today we are being told that there are principles involved. I wish I had seen that principle in play for the last 80 years. I have seen those principles cherry-picked when suits people and not when it does not suit people.” S Jaishankar’s Japan Visit is scheduled from March 6 to 8.

08 March,2024 04:22 PM IST
Russian President Vladimir Putin invites ‘Dear Friend’ Modi to Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin invites ‘Dear Friend’ Modi to Russia

External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar met Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on December 27. Both leaders held bilateral talks during which Russian Prez Putin called Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi a ‘dear friend’ and invited him to Russia. Vladimir Putin said, “Despite all the turmoil happening worldwide, the relationship with our true friends in Asia-India has been progressing incrementally. Regarding the situation in Ukraine, many times I advised him of how things have been going there and I know that he is willing to do his utmost...We will be glad to see our dear friend, Prime Minister Modi paying a visit to Russia...Please tell him that we expect him here. I know that India, next year will have a busy political schedule (general elections). We wish our friends success in that.”Earlier in the day, Jaishankar also met Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov and held discussions on a wide range of global issues Indo-Pacific, Ukraine conflict as well as Gaza. Notably, Jaishankar is on a four-day visit to Russia from December 25-29.

28 December,2023 11:48 AM IST | Mumbai
Jaishankar’s Russia Visit: EAM Jaishankar's latest post goes viral

Jaishankar’s Russia Visit: EAM Jaishankar's latest post goes viral

From his ‘charismatic’ personality to his bold statements, EAM Jaishankar often rules the internet. This time EAM Jaishankar broke the internet with his latest post on platform X during Jaishankar’s Russia visit. He shared two images, one of an entry pass from 1962 and another picture of 2023 at the Red Square. EAM Jaishankar shared a nostalgic moment from the past and captioned the post, “How it started”, “How it is going”. The entry pass was from 1962 which invited him to a commemoration ceremony of the first Russian cosmonauts in space. Notably, Jaishankar's first posting as an IFS officer was at the Indian Embassy in Moscow in 1978. EAM Jaishankar is on a four-day visit to Russia from Dec 25 to Dec 29 where he is scheduled to meet his Russian Counterpart.

26 December,2023 05:30 PM IST
Russian President Putin lands in Abu Dhabi; Receives Grand Welcome

Russian President Putin lands in Abu Dhabi; Receives Grand Welcome

Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 06 arrived in Abu Dhabi for his first visit. With jets flying past, camel cavalry and gun salutes, the Russian Prez was accorded a grand welcome upon his arrival. Notably, this is Putin’s first trip to the Middle East region since the Ukraine War began in Feb 2022. Moreover, Putin was escorted by elite Russian flankers Su-35s for a rare trip abroad after Ukraine war. Putin also held bilateral talks with United Arab Emirates President Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Thereafter, the Kremlin Chief left for Saudi Arabia to meet Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. During his Saudi, Putin will discuss oil, Gaza and Ukraine with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince. 

07 December,2023 10:51 AM IST | Mumbai
“Italy is historically among our oldest links with Europe…” EAM Jaishankar

“Italy is historically among our oldest links with Europe…” EAM Jaishankar

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar while addressing the Joint Session of the Italian Senate's External Affairs and Defence Commission and the EU Affairs Commission in Rome, explained that Italy is the oldest link of India with Europe.  Dr S Jaishankar said, “Italy is historically among our oldest links with Europe. In recent years, Italy has also played a very, made a very major contribution to strengthening, cooperation with the European Union, as a whole. We have been in the midst of negotiations since 2021 a set of agreements, the most important of which is a free trade agreement with the European Union. We also have, last year, set up, a trade and technology council, with the European Union. The EU only has 2 of these councils, one with the United States and one with India. The fact that the EU, the US, and India are today coordinating and cooperating very closely on technology matters is something which is very, important to recognize.” “We see very frankly very difficult times ahead, very turbulent times ahead. In the last 5 years the impact, on the global economy, certainly, but even on society of COVID has been very, traumatic. There are still many countries and many societies which have not recovered from it. We have seen, that progress in sustainable development goals, in many countries, has been rolled back, and many more countries today are facing, a financial economic crisis, and debt is a very big problem. Trade has been very challenging. We've had the conflict in Ukraine. In a globalized world, it has affected every part of the world,” he added.  External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar embarked his official visit to Portugal and Italy from October 31 to November 3.

03 November,2023 11:24 AM IST | Mumbai
G20 Summit 2023: Jaishankar's sharp response to a reporter’s question on Ukraine

G20 Summit 2023: Jaishankar's sharp response to a reporter’s question on Ukraine

G20 leaders adopted the New Delhi Leaders' Declaration for their 18th G20 Summit 2023. PM Modi on September 09 after prolonged negotiations announced its adoption. Consensus also reached on the Russia-Ukraine conflict despite Ukraine's differences. However, a reporter cited G20 Bali Declaration to question G20 New Delhi Declaration over Ukraine conflict. Reacting to it, EAM Jaishankar gave a sharp reply and said, “Bali was Bali, New Delhi is New Delhi". G20 “not platform to resolve geopolitical, security issues” read New Delhi Declaration. India underscored that all states must act according to the Principles of the UN Charter in its entirety

10 September,2023 05:39 PM IST
PM Modi’s polite reply to Australian media on Russia-Ukraine conflict

PM Modi’s polite reply to Australian media on Russia-Ukraine conflict

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on May 22 landed in Australia’s Sydney. He received a rousing welcome from the Indian diaspora in Australia. This is the final leg of Prime Minister Modi’s three nations tour. PM Modi will hold a bilateral meeting with his Australian Counterpart Anthony Albanese. Ahead of the bilateral meeting, PM Modi gave an interview to the Australian. PM Modi was questioned about India’s stance on Ukraine-Russia conflict. “Advantage of being friends is that we can discuss freely and appreciate each other's viewpoint” PM Modi replied. PM Modi also denied that India-Australia ties would be harmed because of India’s position on Russia.

23 May,2023 02:19 PM IST | Mumbai
'I will do whatever I can', PM Modi to Zelenskyy amid Russia-Ukraine war

'I will do whatever I can', PM Modi to Zelenskyy amid Russia-Ukraine war

PM Modi held bilateral meetings with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on May 20 in Japan. The bilateral meeting was held on the sidelines of G7 Summit in Hiroshima. Both leaders held bilateral discussion for the first time since Russia launched military operations in Ukraine. India is among the eight special invitees to the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Hiroshima this week. Earlier, Ukrainian President also met UK PM Rishi Sunak on the sidelines of G7 Summit. Later, Zelenskyy sat down with Italian PM Giorgia Meloni in Japan. 

20 May,2023 07:06 PM IST | Mumbai

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