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Yuvraj Singh: Team India can conquer the world

Updated on: 01 March,2018 03:47 PM IST  |  Monaco

Yuvraj Singh praised Virat Kohli and his men for the character they showed to bounce back in the limited overs series after the close 1-2 loss in the Test rubber against South Africa

Yuvraj Singh: Team India can conquer the world

Yuvraj Singh
Yuvraj Singh

Yuvraj Singh praised Virat Kohli and his men for the character they showed to bounce back in the limited overs series after the close 1-2 loss in the Test rubber against South Africa.

"I think it is a pretty great performance. They showed a lot of character after losing the Test series. It was as a hard-fought Test series, could have gone either way. But it was a very convincing win in the ODI series. Kohli led from the front with some big runs," the southpaw told PTI yesterday. Kohli might have set his sights on winning the upcoming tours of England and Australia but Yuvraj said India will need consistent performances from the players to achieve the goal. "It's a good start to believe that you can dominate outside. If you can consistently do that in England and Australia, you definitely will have the belief," he said.

"Now the team is set to conquer the world. England and Australia will be testing series but if we can get some consistent performances, it will give a lot of self belief to the players," he added. Out of the national team reckoning for a while now, India all-rounder said he will continue playing cricket till 2019 before taking a call on his retirement.

Yuvraj, who last played for India in June 2017 in an ODI, said the upcoming Indian Premier League holds great significance for him as a good performance in the T20 event will help him keep in the fray for a spot in the 2019 World Cup.

"I am looking forward to a good IPL. It's a very important tournament for me as it will set me up to play cricket till 2019. I am looking to play cricket till 2019, whatever cricket I get to play and take a call after that," he said.

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