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ADHD is not a disability, it's a super power: Simone Biles

Updated on: 16 October,2017 08:33 AM IST  | 
A Correspondent |

US gymnastics champ Simone Biles has been actively supporting a campaign for Learning Disabilities and ADHD (Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder) back home

ADHD is not a disability, it's a super power: Simone Biles

US gymnastics champ Simone Biles has been actively supporting a campaign for Learning Disabilities and ADHD (Attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder) back home. The four-time Rio Olympics gold medal-winning gymnast recently spoke to two sisters, who have ADHD shared her own experience with ADHD since age nine. "I think I'll be speaking a little bit more about it [ADHD] because a lot of kids have it.

They think of it as a disability, and I want them to learn that it's not I told [the sisters] to think of it more as a super power. It's OK to be different because many smart and talented people have it, and they still succeed in life to the fullest," said Biles who revealed that she will begin training on November 1 and plans to compete again in 2018.

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