Vijay Diwas: Gurmeet recalls his Subedar Major father being on standby for Kargil War

26 July,2023 07:18 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  IANS

Gurmeet Choudhary, who will be soon essaying the role of Maharana Pratap in the upcoming streaming show ‘Maharana’, has shared his memories as a kid during the Kargil War, one of the greatest victories in the history of the Indian Army, which also established its prowess for executing a war in the mountains.


Gurmeet Choudhary, soon to portray Maharana Pratap in the upcoming show 'Maharana,' fondly recalls his childhood memories during the Kargil War, a significant victory in Indian Army history. As the son of Subedar Major Sita Ram Choudhary, who served in the Indian Army, Gurmeet's upbringing in an Army hospital instilled a sense of pride and discipline. He jokingly claims to be more of a "Fauji" than his father.

Gurmeet shares, "Since I was a child, I have embedded the qualities of the Army in me, and it's a feeling of pride to tell everyone that my dad is in the army, protecting the nation. They are relentless warriors, a great source of inspiration."

Reflecting on the Kargil War, Gurmeet recalls being in Kashmir as a young boy when his father's leave was canceled, and they were on standby, uncertain about what lay ahead. Despite the fear of uncertainty, Gurmeet's mother remained strong and supported the family, embodying the resilience of an Army officer's wife.

He shares a poignant incident that left a lasting impact, where he witnessed people revering Army officials at the station, offering them food and cheering for them. This experience deepened his understanding of the immense respect the nation has for its soldiers and the support they receive from their families and fellow citizens.

Gurmeet's upcoming portrayal of Maharana Pratap serves as a tribute to the valor and sacrifice of historical figures and the tireless efforts of Indian Army personnel. As the nation continues to honor its soldiers, Gurmeet's childhood connection to the military world adds a personal touch to his role and fuels his dedication to bringing the courageous tale of Maharana Pratap to life.

His father's service and the memories of the Kargil War have left an indelible mark on Gurmeet's consciousness, fostering a profound appreciation for the nation's brave defenders and the unity that binds them in their collective mission to protect and serve. Through his role and platform as an actor, Gurmeet aims to convey the unwavering spirit of the Indian Army and inspire audiences with the valor and dedication that epitomize the true spirit of a soldier.

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