OneTo11: World’s first Blockchain gaming Ecosystem enabling P2E economy

18 October,2021 10:43 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  BrandMedia

Now OneTo11 is unifying these two promising technologies and building a gaming platform on the blockchain framework to explore the true potential of WEB 3.0.


Gaming and blockchain emerged as the fastest progressing technologies in the last decade. The gaming industry surpassed the combined market size of Hollywood and US sports, and on the other hand blockchain and cryptocurrencies returned the highest ROIs of a decade in the history of investing. Now OneTo11 is unifying these two promising technologies and building a gaming platform on the blockchain framework to explore the true potential of WEB 3.0.

In the gaming industry, top brands and publishers called all the shots and made all the money. Game publishers encouraged the pay-to-play economy where gamers had to pay for buying games, consoles, characters, weapons and assets. Basically, if you want to play and win, be ready to empty your pockets. However, OneTo11 flipped this pyramid and using the decentralisation feature of blockchain created an economic structure where gamers can just play and earn real money. So the gamers get rewarded for their time, and skills by joining the OneTo11 gaming ecosystem.

OneTo11 achieves the Play-To-Earn model where gamers can join for free, and simply start making money by enabling NFT creation within the game and allowing gamers to trade NFTs on the in-built marketplace. The OneTo11 NFT framework is powered by the Polygon network which keeps the transaction cost really low and transaction speed really quick while trading NFTs. That's not all the reason it's called an ecosystem and not a game, is because OneTo11 has a collection of multiple gaming apps featuring fantasy sport app, casual gaming app, gamified learning app and multi-player RPG. A gamer can switch between games depending on the preference, and the best part is they can carry the balance of winnings from one game to the next as the wallet on the system is unified.

Also, OneTo11 uses a lifetime affiliate commission model which encourages gamers to promote the ecosystem to their friends and family members. This practice of rewarding gamers for promotion rather than an advertising platform has accumulated more than a million users on OneTo11 in less than 10 months of operation.

Until now, OneTo11 has been a highly coveted entity for both gamers and investors. After a successful seed funding round, OneTo11 private sale for native token of the platform (1To11) has been oversubscribed 3 times. The core team of OneTo11 is made up of serial entrepreneurs based in Noida, who are determined to transform the entire gaming industry by using the power of blockchain technology. As per the team gaming is definitely going to be the first industry to completely adopt blockchain for development and financial transactions and we are enabling faster adoption by simplifying the process for people around the world.

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