Palliative care for pets: Tips to ensure comfort and quality of life in challenging times

09 July,2023 12:50 PM IST |  Mumbai  |  mid-day online correspondent

Unlike curative treatments, palliative care does not seek to cure the underlying condition but rather aims to optimize the pet`s well-being and ensure they can enjoy their remaining time with dignity and comfort. Expert shares tips to help pet parents navigate their way through palliative care for pets

Palliative care plays a crucial role in ensuring the comfort, dignity, and overall well-being of pets facing serious illnesses. Photo Courtesy: iStock

Just like humans, our beloved pets can face challenging health conditions and reach a stage where curative treatments may no longer be viable options. During these times, palliative care becomes a crucial aspect of veterinary medicine. Palliative care focuses on enhancing the quality of life for pets facing serious illnesses, providing comfort, pain management, and emotional support.

Dr Shantanu Kalambi, chief veterinary officer, Supertails explains, "Palliative care aims to alleviate suffering and enhance the overall quality of life for pets facing serious or terminal illnesses. It focuses on managing pain, discomfort, and other distressing symptoms while providing emotional support to both the pet and their human companions. Unlike curative treatments, palliative care does not seek to cure the underlying condition but rather aims to optimize the pet's well-being and ensure they can enjoy their remaining time with dignity and comfort."

Palliative care for pets is guided by several fundamental principles:

Pain Management
Effectively managing pain is a cornerstone of palliative care. Veterinarians work closely with pet parents to assess pain levels and develop personalized pain management plans, utilizing medications, therapies, and alternative approaches to alleviate discomfort.

Symptom Control
Palliative care focuses on addressing various symptoms and side effects associated with the underlying illness. This may involve managing nausea, breathing difficulties, mobility issues, or gastrointestinal problems, among others, to improve the pet's overall comfort and well-being.

Emotional Support
Pets and their human companions often experience emotional distress during challenging times. Palliative care provides emotional support to both pets and their parents, ensuring they have the resources and guidance to navigate the difficult journey with empathy and understanding.

Open Communication
Transparent and compassionate communication is vital in palliative care. Veterinarians work closely with pet parents, providing information about the pet's condition, treatment options, and expected outcomes. This empowers parents to make informed decisions based on their pet's best interests.

Kalambi lists down key elements to that must be considered to ensure the best possible quality of life for pets in palliative care:

Pain assessment and management
Regular evaluation of pain levels and the adjustment of pain management strategies to ensure optimal comfort.

Nutritional support
Addressing changes in appetite and providing appropriate nutritional support tailored to the pet's needs, which may involve dietary modifications or the use of appetite stimulants.

Mobility and environmental adaptations
Making necessary adjustments to the pet's living environment to enhance mobility, such as providing ramps, non-slip surfaces, or orthopaedic bedding.

Emotional support and bonding
Recognizing the emotional needs of both pets and their owners and providing resources, counselling, or support groups to help navigate the emotional challenges.

Regular monitoring
Frequent evaluation of the pet's condition, including regular check-ups, laboratory tests, and imaging studies, to track disease progression and adjust the palliative care plan accordingly.

Caregiver education
Educating pet owners on how to provide day-to-day care, administer medications, recognize signs of distress, and make informed decisions about their pet's well-being.

Palliative care plays a crucial role in ensuring the comfort, dignity, and overall well-being of pets facing serious illnesses. By focusing on pain management, symptom control, emotional support, and open communication, palliative care allows pets to live their remaining days with as much comfort and quality of life as possible. With the guidance and expertise of veterinarians, pet parents can navigate this challenging journey while providing the best possible care for their beloved companions.

Also Read: Preventing dehydration in pets is essential for their health and well-being

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