Jilted lover vandalises vehicles after girl's mother rejects proposal

27 August,2020 10:40 AM IST |  Pune  |  mid-day online correspondent

The two vandalised four rickshaws, two two-wheelers, among others after Sharads girlfriends mother rejected his marriage proposal

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In a shocking incident, a jilted lover and his friend vandalised eight vehicles in Pune's Bibvewadi on Wednesday. According to police officials, the alleged incident took place at around 2 am in Annabhau Sathenagar, Bibwewadi. The accused were identified as Sharad Tukaram Patole (20) and his friend Kumar Gopal Rathod (19).

The duo vandalised four rickshaws, two two-wheelers, among others after Sharad's girlfriend's mother rejected his marriage proposal. After the alleged incident, the police spoke to the girl as well as the two men, who confessed of committing the crime, reports Hindustan Times.

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Kumar Ghadage, senior police inspector at Bibvewadi police station, said, "Sharad was involved with a girl for the past two years and wanted to marry her, but her mother refused his proposal. So, he and his friend vandalised these vehicles that were parked outside her house."

The Bibwewadi police station registered a case against the accused under relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code. The two accused were produced in court on Wednesday.

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