Mumbai: Criminal held for series of burglaries

13 May,2024 07:15 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  Agencies

Tells cops that his mom, who is on the run, had made him take drugs before committing crimes

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The arrest of a habitual offender who has allegedly committed a string of burglaries in Mumbai has left the police stunned as the investigation suggested that it was his mother who made him consume drugs before he stepped out to commit the crime.

The accused, identified as Krishna Ravi Maheskar, 24, has more than 22 cases of housebreaking pending against him in various police stations across Mumbai, an official said on Sunday.

"Maheskar is a habitual offender. His mother Vijeta Maheskar, 50, played a vital role in all his criminal activities. She used to give him drugs before sending him out to commit housebreaking. She also used to dispose of the stolen property," said Kalachowkie police station sub-inspector Rajendra Chavan. He said police are yet to arrest Vijeta Maheskar who is on the run.

The mother and son are residents of the Kalachowki area in central Mumbai. Notably, the accused man used to commit burglary a day after he was released on bail in any criminal case.

In the fresh case, Maheskar was arrested from Agripada area, the official said, adding that further investigation is underway.

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