Mumbai: Man sentenced to imprisonment for life for killing uncle

18 March,2021 08:15 AM IST |  Mumbai  |  PTI

According to the prosecution, Patel had gone to meet his uncle Kisan Kharvi at the latter`s house in suburban Borivali on October 10, 2014, when the incident took place.

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A sessions court here sentenced a 29-year-old man to imprisonment for life for killing his maternal uncle over a property dispute. Additional sessions judge S U Baghele on Tuesday found the accused Aatish Patel guilty of an offence committed under IPC section 302 (murder).

According to the prosecution, Patel had gone to meet his uncle Kisan Kharvi at the latter's house in suburban Borivali on October 10, 2014, when the incident took place.

The victim's son Vinod informed the court that when he returned home late in the night, he found the accused sitting in a corner and his father lying in a pool of blood.

Public prosecutor Sachin Jadhav relied on the testimony of witnesses along with forensic evidence.

Jadhav argued that on the day of incident, the victim and the accused were drinking together and when Patel asked Kharvi to transfer his house to his name, the latter refused.

Angered by this, the accused banged his uncle's head thrice on a wall and strangled him, it was stated.

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