India ranks 12 in web-borne threats

04 November,2018 12:40 PM IST |  Pune  |  Agencies

It is known that money is the main motivation behind a cyber attack, and India being one of the largest and developing populations, cannot afford to be vulnerable online

Cyber criminals trick victims into believing they are downloading a legitimate programme

Globally, India ranks 12th when it comes to the dangers associated with surfing the web, according to a report by Russia-based global cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab.

"It is known that money is the main motivation behind a cyber attack, and India being one of the largest and developing populations, cannot afford to be vulnerable online. We need to be more aware and more secure online," Shrenik Bhayani, General Manager, Kaspersky Lab South Asia, said in a statement this week.

Among other methods, the attackers exploited vulnerabilities in browsers and their plugins (drive-by download). Infection in this type of attack takes place when visiting an infected website, without any intervention from the user and without their knowledge.

This is the number one method utilised by most cyber criminals around the world. "Protection against such attacks requires an Internet Security class solution capable of detecting threats as they are being downloaded from the internet and the timely installation of all the latest updates for the browser and its plugins," Kaspersky Lab said.

The share of malicious incidents caused by malware hosted in India was 0.68 per cent - that is 6,450,023 incidents in the period July-September 2018, the research showed.

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