Pune police seize 130 kg cannabis, arrest 3 accused

19 September,2020 06:35 PM IST |  Pune  |  ANI

Police laid a trap for the accused persons and when a suspected vehicle did not stop despite police calls, a team followed it, arrested the accused and seized the Ganja packed in bags.

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In a major breakthrough, a Pune police team seized 130 kilograms of Ganja worth over Rs 24 lakh and arrested three persons in this connection on Friday, said an official release by the police.

The seized Ganja is worth around Rs 24,54,930 in the market, police said. The anti-narcotics team of the Pune city police's crime branch arrested the three persons on the basis of a tip-off about ganja being transported in a vehicle from Yerwada in the city.

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Police laid a trap for the accused persons and when a suspected vehicle did not stop despite police calls, a team followed it, arrested the accused and seized the Ganja packed in bags.

The accused have been identified as Arun Jadhav (26), Prashant Shinde (25) and Shubham Mohite (19). A case has been registered against them under relevant sections of the Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act.

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