Minister Deepak Kesarkar rebukes a teaching job aspirant; video goes viral

29 November,2023 07:12 AM IST |  Pune  |  PTI

The incident took place in Beed city on Monday when the minister was meeting some candidates for school teacher`s posts

Deepak Kesarkar/ Facebook

A video of Maharashtra School Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar rebuking a woman over her question about 'delay' in teachers' recruitment went viral on social media on Tuesday. The incident took place in Beed city on Monday when the minister was meeting some candidates for school teachers' posts.

Kesarkar, who belongs to the Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena, later said in his reaction that the woman was not following discipline during the interaction. In the video, the woman, apparently aspiring to be a government school teacher, is heard asking the minister about the 'delay' in the recruitment process, and saying they are tired of waiting.

There was no advertisement about recruitment, she said, while the minister replied that every district has been instructed to issue an advertisement. The woman interrupted him and asked when will the advertisement be issued. Kesarkar was then heard telling her that if she continued to behave in an indisciplined way, she would not get a government job.

"I am as strict as I am affectionate. For me, my students are important. You are worried about the job and for that, I made available 30,000 jobs but if you teach the same indiscipline to students, then I won't accept it," the minister said. As she continued to speak, the minister warned that he will seek out her name and ask the officials to disqualify her.

NCP MP Supriya Sule criticised Kesarkar over the incident and said Chief Minister Eknath Shinde should rein in his ministers. Kesarkar should apologise to the woman, she said in a social media post.

"A video of Maharashtra's education minister threatening to 'disqualify' a girl candidate who inquired about teacher recruitment has been released. After seeing this video, 'What has really happened to these ministers?' The question arises. A senior minister is seen threatening the people in public meetings these days. Do the Chief Minister and the Deputy Chief Minister accept their position or do they have tacit approval of all three? What exactly are these ministers afraid of? What is in their mind is their decision in the people's court. Therefore, it is requested that the Chief Minister should restrain his ministers. Along with this, Deepak Kesarkar should immediately apologize to the concerned girl," she wrote.

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