Airline crew's racy photos hit porn site

26 February,2010 11:20 AM IST |   |  Agencies

The saucy snaps of stewardesses taken by British Airways staff fooling around on aircraft were never meant to get out

The saucy snaps of stewardesses taken by British Airways staff "fooling around" on aircraft were never meant to get out

A bunch of British Airways (BA) stewardesses are in deep trouble. Some saucy snaps that were taken by staff "fooling around" on aircraft so they could send the pics to pals have come back to haunt them.


Yesterday the girls and strife-torn BA were left embarrassed after the shots emerged on a hard-core porn website, reported The Sun.

The racy pictures have now earned BA the nickname 'British Bareways'.

Many show cabin crew -- in distinctive red, white and blue uniforms -- lifting up their skirts to expose bare bums and sexy stockings.

A source said, "They were never intended to get out and it would never have occurred to the girls they would end up on a porn site.

"But word about this has spread around BA offices and needless to say some of the girls are worried their actions will rebound on them."

The photos came to light as BA cabin crew prepare to strike over staffing cuts.


The airline said an investigation would be launched into any employees found posing for such snaps.

But bizarrely, it insisted there was no evidence any of the girls actually work for BA.

Crew trouble
The BA cabin crew is under fire for wanting to go on strike. In their defence, a union member said, "Our members are not mindless militants. They are committed to their company and profession, so it is right they want to be consulted on job changes."
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British Airways Airline crew racy photos hardcore porn site online leak stewardesses fooling around