Couple adopts 9-year-old girl, turns out she was 22 and a sociopath

26 September,2019 11:27 AM IST |   |  mid-day online correspondent

A couple in USA adopted a 9-year-old girl who turned out to be a 22-year-old woman with a rare form of dwarfism. She also tried poisoning them

Photo of Natalia Grace. Picture/Twitter

In a shocking incident straight from the movie Orphan, a couple adopted a girl child who later tried to poison them. The couple identified as Kristine Barnett (45) and her ex-husband Michael Barnett (43) were charged with abandoning their 9-year-old adopted daughter, Natalia Grace in Indiana and fleeing to Canada. The couple later discovered that the girl that they had adopted was an adult woman with dwarfism who was a sociopath masquerading as a child, reported the Daily Mail.

The couple adopted the Ukraine born girl identified as Natalia Grace in the year 2010 and they were told that she is 6 years old then and her birth certificate also showed the same. According to the reports by Police, the girl has a rare form of dwarfism which making her 3 feet tall and leaving with a problem in walking. In an interview to Daily Mail, Kristine states that the girl was not 9 years old but a 22-year-old woman who would threaten to stab them in their sleep and also allegedly poured bleach in her coffee.

She stated, "She would make statements and draw pictures saying she wanted to kill family members, roll them up in a blanket and put them in the backyard." Kristine also added, "She was standing over people in the middle of the night. You couldn't go to sleep. We had to hide all the sharp objects. I saw her putting chemicals, bleach, Windex something like that, in my coffee and I asked her, what are you doing? She said, 'I am trying to poison you.'"

She said, "The media is painting me to be a child abuser but there is no child here, Natalia was a woman. She had periods. She had adult teeth. She never grew a single inch, which would happen even with a child with dwarfism. The doctors all confirmed she was suffering a severe psychological illness only diagnosed in adults. She was jumping out of moving cars. She was smearing blood on mirrors. She was doing things you could never imagine a little child doing."

There were a lot of things that the couple started noticing about their new daughter that did not add up. Barnett shared her experience, she said, "I was giving her a bath and I noticed that she had full pubic hair. I was so shocked. I had just been told she was a six-year-old and it was very apparent she wasn't." Before leaving for Canada, the couple came up with a plan for Natalia who they loved as their own to enroll her in college.

They were communicating on a daily basis, she said, "I said I've been taking care of you here as an adult, I will do one more year of financial aid, the exact same thing I am doing for all of my children. I co-signed the lease and paid for the rent upfront for a year. I did everything you would do when you send your child off to college, I helped her with groceries and bought furniture at Target for her." However, By 2013, Natalia had disappeared and stopped returning their calls.

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