US and China seek to ease strained ties

27 October,2023 08:24 AM IST |  Washington  |  Agencies

The meetings could set the stage for next month’s summit

Gavin Newsom at the Great Wall Climate Dialogue. Pic/AP

The US is hoping to find at least some common ground with China as Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visits Washington. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Biden's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, are expected to urge China to play a constructive role in both the Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine wars. The meetings could set the stage for next month's summit.

China wants to boost climate ties with US

China's Environment Minister Huang Runqiu said Thursday his country wants to strengthen cooperation with the United States to combat climate change, as he met in Beijing with California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is on a weeklong tour of China.

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