'India do not need different coaches for Tests and limited-overs cricket': Swann

24 May,2024 06:04 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

“In England, we have three teams that go all around the world cause our summer is in a different time, that’s one of the reasons that split coaches in England,” he added

Graeme Swann

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A team like India, which doesn't have players competing round the year in T20 leagues across the globe, doesn't need two separate coaches for the limited-overs and Test format, feels former England spinner Graeme Swann.

"For a nation like India, because of the IPL and the fact the players don't play other leagues, people are based in India whole year round. You don't need split [separate] coaches," Swann said at the launch of the Legends Intercontinental T20 League here.

"In England, we have three teams that go all around the world cause our summer is in a different time, that's one of the reasons that split coaches in England," he added.

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