Unfairly ‘singled’ out? Harmeet Desai calls out selectors

19 July,2023 08:24 AM IST |  New Delhi  |  PTI

India’s leading table tennis player Harmeet Desai feels hard done by after being excluded from singles competition of Asian Games in Hangzhou; TTFI’s Mehta says decision was unanimous

India’s Harmeet Desai during the ITTF World Team Championships finals in China last year. Pic/Getty Images

India's leading table tennis player Harmeet Desai feels he has been "unfairly" left out of the singles competition for the upcoming Asian Games in Hangzhou.
Desai, an important member of the Indian table tennis team over the last 10 years, has been picked in the Asian Games squad but will only feature in team and mixed doubles events.

Sharath, Sathiyan selected

Veteran Sharath Kamal and G Sathiyan have been picked ahead of Desai for the singles competition as only two entries are allowed.

"It is going to be my third Asian Games and as per the selection criteria, which includes both domestic and international performances, I should be playing singles as well and not just team and doubles," Desai told PTI.

Kamlesh Mehta

The 29-year-old from Surat on Tuesday became the highest ranked Indian at the back of a productive last month when he reached the semi-finals of the WTT Contender in Lagos and pre-quarterfinals in WTT Contender in Tunis.

He also beat two Top 20 players along the way. He is now ranked 64 ahead of Sharath (69) and Sathiyan (88).

Also Read: EXCLUSIVE | Aiming to bring out my best at Asian Games: Sathiyan Gnanasekaran

However, when the team was picked on June 27, Desai (71) was behind Sharath (54) and Sathiyan (60) in the ITTF rankings.

As per the selection criteria of Table Tennis Federation of India, 50 per cent weightage is given to domestic performances, 40 per cent to international and 10 per cent is left for selectors's discretion.

TTFI consider world rankings

TTFI secretary general Kamlesh Mehta said the decision of the selection committee was unanimous and players were picked for the singles event as per the international rankings at the time of selection.

"It was a unanimous call taken by the selectors who factored in the world rankings at the time of selection," said Mehta, himself a former India player and Arjuna awardee.

Sathiyan stars as Dabang Delhi beat Bengaluru Smashers 10-5

Pune: Star Indian paddler Sathiyan Gnanasekaran notched-up thrilling victory as Dabang Delhi TTC defeated Bengaluru Smashers 10-5 in the ongoing IndianOil Ultimate Table Tennis Season 4 at the Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex, Mahalunge-Balewadi in Pune on Tuesday.

Sathiyan began the tie for Dabang Delhi TTC on a winning note as he defeated Bengaluru Smashers' Kirill Gerassimenko 2-1 to gain two valuable team points and set up the path for his franchise's first victory. The Indian paddler went into attacking mode from the first serve and used his forehands well.

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