My team and I had to be let go as part of Microsoft's layoffs: sacked Indian-origin worker shares on LinkedIn

14 March,2023 01:30 PM IST |  New Delhi  |  IANS

Last week, tech giant Microsoft in an effort to cut costs, laid off more employees to tackle the challenging times amid the ongoing layoffs since January 2023

Image for representational purpose only. Photo Courtesy: AFP

Ever since January 2023, there have been global tech layoffs around the world. Last week, tech giant Microsoft in an effort to cut costs, laid off more employees to tackle the challenging times, including an Indian-origin worker in the US who was sacked along with his entire team.

Hari S, a principal engineering manager at Microsoft, who spent more than 11 years in the company in Washington, wrote in a LinkedIn post, "With a warm heart, must say goodbye to a great organisation. Having been with Microsoft for 11 years, it pretty much seemed like a family especially when you have seen you have worked together through various Supply Chain product launches, multiple releases, rationalisation of architectures, a humungous number of integrations and efforts to bring in efficiencies within engineering & business processes."

"Anyways every sentence has to have a full stop some self-marked and some externally induced. This week me & my team had to be let go as part of Microsoft's larger efforts to tackle the challenging times," he added.

Hari studied B.Tech from Pondicherry University (1997-2001) and completed his Post Graduate Diploma in Information Technology (PGDIT) from IIT Kharagpur (2002-2003). He is now looking for new roles in technology, product development, and team building.

"Looking forward for the next journey into roles that would need the passion of technology, product development and team building. If that seems like a fit for an opportunity that you know of, please do give a shout."

Keeping up the fighting spirit, Hari concluded, saying: "I am excited to see where the road line takes, I am sure every turn will teach something new to look back on and connect the dots on."

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