20 January,2025 06:49 AM IST | Mumbai | Dr Love
Illustration/Uday Mohite
My boyfriend has been depressed and anxious about his job lately but doesn't tell me much about what's going on in his life. I know he has reasons to be worried, but if he doesn't open up and talk about it, our dating life starts to suffer. We still go out often, and he tries to make small talk, but usually ends up sitting in silence for long periods. It's frustrating for me and he knows this too, but also says he can't help it because he's losing sleep worrying about his future. I want to help and have even looked at professional therapists who can speak to him, but he refuses to consider that option. I don't know if our relationship will survive much more of this. What should I do?
You appear to have done everything you can and cannot do more without him pulling his weight. It may make sense to step back for a while and give him space to sort this out on his own, until he is ready to communicate. If that doesn't happen, and you find yourself getting more frustrated, take a call on the future of your relationship based on its impact on your mental health. It will be hard, obviously, but no relationship can survive if only one person is trying to make it work.
What should I do about a guy who treats me like a princess when we go out, but also dates multiple women on other weekends? He is open about it, but I want us to be in an exclusive relationship which he refuses to do.
He has been clear about what he wants and if this doesn't meet your expectations, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. As adults, you are both entitled to make your own decisions about what you want or don't want in a relationship. He can't be forced, and you must decide if you aren't comfortable with his behaviour because dating him will obviously come with a few undesirable conditions.
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