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What is Shopping Cart Abandonment?- A Technique to Get the Best Discount

Updated on: 27 May,2024 02:14 PM IST  |  Mumbai
BrandMedia |

Shopping cart abandonment is a common yet often misunderstood phenomenon in the world of e-commerce.

What is Shopping Cart Abandonment?- A Technique to Get the Best Discount

Shopping Cart

It occurs when a potential customer adds items to their online shopping cart but leaves the website before completing the purchase. This behavior is more prevalent than one might think, with various studies indicating that up to 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned. Several factors contribute to this, including unexpected shipping costs, complicated checkout processes, lack of payment options, and simple indecision or distraction.

For retailers, shopping cart abandonment represents a significant challenge. Each abandoned cart is a missed sales opportunity, leading to potential revenue loss. To combat this, many e-commerce businesses have developed strategies to win back these potential customers. One of the most effective tactics is to offer discounts or special promotions to encourage shoppers to complete their purchases. Interestingly, savvy shoppers can leverage this trend to their advantage, using shopping cart abandonment as a technique to secure the best discounts and deals.

How to Use Shopping Cart Abandonment to Your Advantage
Add Items to Your Cart and Wait: The first step is to browse your favorite online stores and add items you’re interested into your shopping cart. Instead of proceeding to checkout, close the tab or navigate away from the site. This signals to the retailer that you might be having second thoughts or are not completely satisfied with the current offer. Retailers monitor cart abandonment closely because it indicates a high level of purchase intent. By waiting, you give the retailer a chance to entice you back with a better deal. This could be in the form of a discount code, free shipping offer, or an exclusive promotion designed to encourage you to finalize your purchase.

Look Out for Follow-Up Emails: Many e-commerce sites send follow-up emails after a cart is abandoned. These emails often include reminders of the items left in your cart and, occasionally, a discount code or special offer to encourage you to return and complete the purchase. Make sure you’re subscribed to the store’s newsletter or have an account that allows them to send you emails. These follow-up emails typically arrive within 24 to 48 hours of cart abandonment. They serve as a gentle nudge, reminding you of the items you were interested in. Sometimes, these emails come with time-sensitive offers, such as a limited-time discount, which creates a sense of urgency and can spur you into completing the purchase.

Check for Retargeting Ads: After abandoning your cart, you may notice ads for the same products appearing on other websites or social media platforms. These retargeting ads sometimes include discount offers as an incentive to bring you back to the store. Keep an eye on these ads as they can be a source of additional savings. Retargeting works through cookies that track your browsing behavior. When you visit other sites or social media platforms, these ads serve as a reminder of your unfinished shopping. Some retailers use dynamic retargeting to show the exact items you left in your cart, often with added incentives like discounts or free shipping offers to lure you back.

Use Coupon Sites: If the brand still hasn't offered anything, before making a purchase, check coupon sites like RetailMeNot,, Groupon, and SociableLabs. These sites often list current promo codes and discounts that you can apply at checkout. Combining these with any offers you receive from abandonment emails can maximize your savings. Coupon sites aggregate deals from various retailers, making it easier to find discounts you might not come across on the retailer's own website. Additionally, browser extensions offered by these coupon sites can automatically apply the best available discounts at checkout, ensuring you never miss out on potential savings. Learn more about using coupon sites effectively from this article.

Be Patient: Sometimes, the best discounts come to those who wait. If you’re not in a rush to buy, give it a few days after abandoning your cart. Retailers may send additional follow-up emails with even better discounts as they become more eager to close the sale. Patience can pay off, especially during peak shopping seasons like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, or the end of the financial quarter when retailers are keen to hit their sales targets. By holding off, you may receive multiple offers, allowing you to choose the most attractive one.

Why Retailers Offer Discounts on Abandoned Carts
Retailers use discounts to recover abandoned carts because it’s more cost-effective to convert an existing interested shopper than to attract a new one. Offering a discount can tip the scales in favor of completing the purchase, making it a win-win for both the shopper and the retailer. By understanding this dynamic, you can leverage it to your advantage, ensuring you get the best possible deal on your purchases.

Shopping cart abandonment doesn’t have to be a lost opportunity. By understanding how retailers respond to abandoned carts, you can strategically use this technique to secure the best discounts. Next time you’re shopping online, try adding items to your cart and then waiting to see what offers come your way. With a bit of patience and savvy, you can save a significant amount on your purchases.

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