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Nolan would ‘love to make a horror film’

Updated on: 16 February,2024 10:03 PM IST  |  London
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I think horror films are very interesting because they depend on very cinematic devices, it really is about a visceral response to things

Nolan would ‘love to make a horror film’

Christopher Nolan

Christopher Nolan is looking to make a horror film, provided there is a good enough idea. He was recently speaking at an in-conversation event at London’s British Film Institute (BFI), attended by a rapt, sold-out audience. When an audience member asked if he would consider making a horror film, Nolan referred to his last movie, saying, “Oppenheimer [2023] has elements of horror in it definitely, as I think is appropriate to the subject matter.

I think horror films are very interesting because they depend on very cinematic devices, it really is about a visceral response to things.” Stating at some point, he ‘would love to make a horror film,’ Nolan added, “But I think a really good horror film requires an exceptional idea. And those are few and far between. So I haven’t found a story that lends itself to that. I think it’s an interesting genre from a cinematic point of view.” 

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