The house of Walter White as shown in the acclaimed series Breaking Bad is up for sale. The house located in New Mexico is priced at 10 times the average market rate in the neighbourhood
Walter White
The character Walter White's house portrayed in the popular TV show Breaking Bad is up for sale in the market. The owners of the house have priced it at almost 10 times the average price of houses in the neighbourhood. The house is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
About the Breaking Bad house
According to reports, the house has been put on sale at a whopping price of USD 4 million (Rs 34 crore approx). The said house has four bedrooms, two bathrooms and a backyard pool, which also featured in crucial scenes of the long-running show. According to real estate company Zillow, the average price of houses in the neighbourhood is USD 421,000.
The house is owned by Joanne Quintana. She reportedly said that the house's popularity among tourists came at a cost to the family's quality of life. "This was our family home from 1973, almost 52 years,” she told local TV station KOB4. “So we’re going to walk away with just our memories. It’s time to move on. We’re done. There’s no reason to fight any more.”
Recalling the time the 'Breaking Bad' crew requested to use the house for the acclaimed series in 2006, Quintana said, "They introduced themselves and handed [my mother] a card and said, "We would like to use your house for a pilot".
Reportedly, the crew only used the inside of the home for gear and prep-not for scenes, the KOB4 reported. Most of the outside areas of the home were shown in the five season series. The house owner said that they would have tourists come knocking on the door frequently causing disturbance. Quintana said that an average of 300 cars come past the house each day.
After an incident where one visitor left a package addressed to Walter White on their doorstep, Quintana and her siblings decided to erect more security.
“My brothers said, that’s it, we’re done, fence is going up,” Quintana told KOB4. “That’s too close for comfort.”
Family recalls iconic pizza scene
In 2015, Quintana’s late mother, Fran Padilla, said that they had fans who attempted to recreate the scene from Breaking Bad where White throws a pizza on the roof. “We’ve had pizzas on our roof. We’ve had pizzas on our driveway; pizzas until we’re sick of looking at pizzas,” Padilla told NPR.
The family was there for the iconic pizza scene. Joanne says they had boxes of pizzas lining her sidewalk in case Bryan Cranston didn't get it on the first take, but he nailed it on try one.
For the pivotal scene when Skyler walks into the family's pool, the family snapped a photo as they filled the pool with 90-degree water to make the actress comfortable. Fran always had cookies for the crew.
"What was funny was Bryan Cranston could not eat not one cookie. Because he had cancer in the show, he was losing weight. So he would pass, but everybody, all the directors, all the writers, would eat the cookies. The last day of shooting, he takes a picture holding my mom's biscotti because he finally got to eat her cookies," said Quintana. "Aaron Paul had to grunt and get angry to get into his character of Jesse. That was awesome. And the magic of Hollywood, nobody will ever get to experience what we did."