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Here's how to control frizzy hair during humid weather

Updated on: 24 July,2021 12:00 AM IST  |  New Delhi

When faced with a particularly humid day, even the most perfectly coiffed and blow-dried styles devolve into frizzy disasters

Here's how to control frizzy hair during humid weather

The photo is for representational purpose only

The rainy season is a relief after hot summers, but with it comes humidity and no one appreciates sticky and unpleasant weather. Humidity also causes serious hair problems. When faced with a particularly humid day, even the most perfectly coiffed and blow-dried styles devolve into frizzy disasters.

There's nothing wrong with a little seasonal frizz and volume, but if you want to avoid the extra poof and keep your groomed tresses intact between seasons, Pooja Nagdev, Aromatherapist, Cosmetologist, and Founder of INATUR, shares tricks to combat the humidity.

* Wash your hair with cooler water: Although we would almost all agree that warm showers are pleasant, I believe that lower temperatures are better for your hair and skin. You don't have to go ice-cold, but lowering the temperature of your shower to the coolest you can stand can tighten your hair scales, increasing glossiness and manageability. Before getting out of the shower, run the water down your hair from roots to ends to make post-shower styling easier.

* Apply a protective layer of styling products to your hair: Anti-humidity sprays aren't a marketing ploy; they work for a reason. Smoothing treatments, such as hair milk, leave-in conditioners, gels, and serums, form a barrier between the hair and moisture in the air, which may take a few more minutes before leaving the house. They operate by forming a protective barrier over the hair shaft, preventing it from expanding and frizzing up when the weather gets humid.

* Moisturise those ends: Because dry hair is more vulnerable to humidity, nourishing and moisturising it will make it less thirsty for the moisture in the air. In addition to utilising a hydration shampoo and conditioner, after-shower leave-in conditioners can help seal in moisture. Don't forget to incorporate hair oils in your styling routine.

* To smooth over strands, use a little heat (with heat protectant): If your hair is prone to puffing up as it dries. To make your hair as sleek as possible, you should use a heated tool. You avoid damage, be sure to use a heat protectant first. The extra heat will aid in removing the natural curling tendency. It will be much more difficult to revert once the heat cools and locks in your style. Blow-dry brushes are ideal for styling, drying, and reducing frizz at the same time if you're searching for a quick and easy cure.

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