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World Environment Day: Here’s how you can help your child learn and keep them busy too

Updated on: 04 June,2023 09:14 PM IST  |  Mumbai
Maitrai Agarwal |

Tackling environmental issues is a difficult topic especially with children as there are many terms tossed around. These five board games can not only help kids connect with nature but also learn about the environment in an engaging way

World Environment Day: Here’s how you can help your child learn and keep them busy too

Representative image. Pic/iStock

Observed annually on June 5, World Environment Day was initiated by United Nations to spread awareness about and encourage action towards protection of the environment. Owing to increased media attention, kids are exposed to the conversation around climate change early on, as various terms are tossed around. For parents, engaging with subjects as complex as climate change and environmental conversation may seem overwhelming to parents but that doesn’t always have to be the case.

Here are five environment and nature-themed board games for kids across ages that will help sensitise them towards these important subjects in a fun way.

Garbage Grab
Designed by Upcycler’s Lab, Garbage Grab is an interactive board game that helps players learn how to segregate waste. This board game can be an effective tool to introduce the difference between dry, wet, and hazardous waste to kids as well as adults. The objective behind the board game is to sensitise kids at a young age and impact impressionable minds in a positive way so they grow up to be conscious consumers of tomorrow.

Ages: 5 years and above

Chalk and Chuckles: Claim and Save
An adaptation of the classic dots and boxes game, Claim and Save is a board game featuring 30 wild creatures from across the globe. Players are required to use worksheets provided to find information about each of these endangered species. The board game, suitable for two to four players, is an ideal learning tool meant for introducing kids to wildlife and the significance of wildlife protection. In addition to building awareness, the game also promotes strategic thinking and aids in developing visual spatial thinking. With a game play of roughly 15 minutes, it is perfect for a quick gaming session.

Ages: 6 years and above
Buy: Amazon

Kaadoo - Nilgiri Biosphere

The award-winning game is designed as a tour of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve in Tamil Nadu. Developed by wildlife enthusiasts, the board game requires players go on a safari spotting wild animals they might have never heard about like the Malabar Giant Squirrel. Experiences from real safaris such as sighting clues and alarm calls are also incorporated in the Kaadoo Nilgiri Biosphere to develop curiosity among players and ensure a captivating experience. Suitable for two to four players, this educational game aids in improving memory, cognitive agility, observation, and decision-making.

Ages: 6 years and above
Buy: Amazon


The strategy based game requires players to plant and cultivate seeds to shape the ever-evolving forest. The main objective of Photosynthesis is to see your trees through their life cycles, from seedling to bloom and eventually rebirth. Points can be earned as their leaves collect energy from the sunlight. Suitable for two to four players, the board game’s main challenge is selecting where to sow and when to grow as the board has several shadow spots. Realistic gameplay and stunning graphics keep the kids engaged.

Ages: 8 years and above
Buy: Amazon


A tableau building and card drafting game about wildlife biology, the game requires players to build ecosystems of animals. It hands out rewards for diversity and sustainability to drive home its message of the need of balance in the natural order. Rooted in accurate science, the game is designed to teach players the delicate balance between habitats and wildlife, prey and predators in the food chain, and the significance of sustainability. Suitable for two to six players, the game lasts about 15 to 20 minutes, and can be played by the whole family.

Ages: 14 years and above
Buy: Amazon



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SR NO Product Shop Now
1 Chalk and Chuckles Claim and Save, Multi Color
2 Nilgiri Biosphere Educational Adventure Safari Board Game
3 Photosynthesis Chart
4 The Incredible Ecosystems of Planet Earth Hardcover
5 Shalimar Premium OXO - Biodegradable

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