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Experience the collaborative spirit of art with this painting session in Khar

Updated on: 30 August,2024 09:11 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Devashish Kamble |

An inclusive art space in the bustling neighbourhood will celebrate the collaborative spirit with a gamified community painting session

Experience the collaborative spirit of art with this painting session in Khar

The group from Michigan University paints a floral mural

Go big or go home? 3Art House, an art space nestled in Khar West’s Third Road is proving you can have both. As part of the Giant Colouring Book series, the community has turned their home — walls, windows, and doors included — into giant canvases for artists. “The series began earlier this year when we started painting our exterior walls with the help of artists from across the city to revamp the area around the studio,” recalls co-founder Jasmeet Kaur Bagga. Mumbai’s erratic monsoon this year has led the founder to look inward, quite literally. At a gamified indoor session this weekend, artists will turn to the trusted drawing sheets, but with a fun twist.

Participants paint on the interiors of the art space
Participants paint on the interiors of the art space

“Over the years, I have realised how watching others create art can be incredibly inspiring. When you consume diverse styles and techniques, you are subconsciously motivated to explore your own artistic expression. With the upcoming session, I aim to spark this fire in students, enthusiasts, and beginners who might need the push to begin their journey,” shares Bagga, who runs the community with her daughters Banat and Ganeev Kaur Bagga.

For the average, time-strapped Mumbaikar the little push needs to be engaging, quick, and fun. Bagga has a game plan in mind. “In addition to painting on the studio’s interiors, we’ll provide each participant with an art sheet. These sheets will be arranged into groups. We’ll also prepare a jar of chits containing single words or topics. Participants will draw a chit and create a piece based on the word or topic. The fun begins when they swap chits or collaborate with others to explore different ideas.”

Artists at a previous session
Artists at a previous session

While the artists soak in the creative atmosphere at the studio, Bagga suggests there’s more at play than meets the eye. “Mumbai being a melting pot of cultures, the artworks that emerge from the sessions often reflect shared experiences, values, and identities. When a participant paints inside a sketched outline made by another artist, or swaps sheets and takes over a work in progress, they’re essentially building a relationship with each other,” she elaborates.

Jasmeet  Kaur Bagga
Jasmeet Kaur Bagga

One such cultural exchange came in June this year when a group of American students from Michigan University dropped by at one of the wall painting sessions. “The students were keen on exploring Indian culture and traditional practices. After painting the walls, we introduced them to yog nidra [a form of deep meditation] and a sattvic lunch spread. We ended the day with a visit to the Guru Singh Sabha Khar Gurudwara. This exemplifies the vision Giant Colouring Book series. What begins with art, can sometimes turn into a deeper exploration that transcends our two-hour-long sessions,” she signs off.     

ON August 31; 6 pm to 8 pm 
AT 3 Art House, Third Cross Road, Ram Krishna Nagar, Khar West. 
LOG ON TO @3arthouse (to register)
ENTRY Rs 600 

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