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Sticking to your new year's resolution

Updated on: 04 January,2021 11:58 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Anindita Paul |

While more than 50 per cent of adults make resolutions at the start of the year, 80 per cent fail to achieve them. Here’s how to make resolutions that you can stick to

Sticking to your new year's resolution

Nishtha Bijlani

The tradition of making New Year's resolutions dates as far back as the Babylonians, who began each year by making promises to their gods to return borrowed objects and pay their debts. Although the practice continues to this day, the very concept of making resolutions is greeted with a healthy dose of scepticism, given the large numbers of people who give up on them within the very first week (27 per cent). And yet, studies also indicate that people who do choose to make a resolution for the New Year are 10 times more likely to follow through than those who aim to pursue improvements in other ways.

"There's no doubt that the act of making resolutions is a positive step towards enhancing those areas of your life you think need work. However, the overwhelming reason for failed resolutions is related to their goal-setting process — in that, their goals are easily manipulated, unclear, or open to interpretation. When a goal is vague, it isn't easy to measure, and it isn't motivating. In fact, you may not even know that you have achieved it!" explains life coach Nidhika Bahl.

Dr Siddhant and Namrata JainDr Siddhant and Namrata Jain

Eat better

Instead of making resolutions, focus on creating healthy habits, says Luke Coutinho, a holistic lifestyle coach at Integrative Medicine. "While resolutions are restrictive, habits are flexible and thus long-lasting and sustainable. Creating habits trains the mind and body to adapt to a new way of living. Your resolutions should be framed on simpler habits such as eating more wholesome and home cooked meals, relying less on convenience food, and eating slowly and chewing well," he explains.

When you start a new nutrition plan, you are asking your body to adapt to entirely new patterns. You will be exercising more than ever, not eating as you usually do, and not resting enough. Since you are overworking your body, this can actually create the opposite result as compared to your expectations, warns Dr Siddhant Bhargava, a nutritional and fitness scientist and founder of Food Darzee. "Cravings, exhaustion, and a scale that refuses to budge are signs that your body is rebelling. Focus on the right nutrition to enable you to lose weight organically," he adds. Similarly, avoid diets that exclude foods in an impractical way. For instance, if your resolution is to eliminate sugar, you may cave into cravings sooner than you would have, if you let yourself enjoy an occasional treat," says nutritionist Karishma Chawla.

Varun PandeVarun Pande

Exercise smarter

Yoga coach Nishtha Bijlani emphasises the importance of distributing your goals by creating a monthly plan. "This lets you adapt to your new routine without being overwhelmed. For instance, you could start the first month with yoga, add evening walks, and then introduce strength training to your exercise plan," she suggests. Getting an exercise buddy to join you in achieving a common goal makes it doubly motivating, says fitness instructor Varun Pande. You can also seek group activities such as cycling groups or runners' clubs.

Luke Coutinho and Dr Payal SharmLuke Coutinho and Dr Payal Sharm

Work wiser

Bahl recommends using the SMART goal-setting framework to refine your career-related resolutions.

. Specific: Be aware of exactly what needs to get done.

. Measurable: Have a motivating means of tracking progress and results.

. Achievable: Make it easy for your future self to do the right thing.

. Relevant: Are you excited and motivated by the challenge? If you don't feel strongly, clarify your resolution or change it entirely.

. Time-bound: Work with a clear start and end date.

Karishma ChawlaKarishma Chawla

For instance, if you want to upgrade your skills, 'I want to learn how to be a better leader' is an unclear goal. A SMART goal woud be 'Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 6.30-8.30 pm, I will work towards completing a specific certificate course on a certain platform.' You are more likely to succeed at achieving this goal because you know the skill you are seeking to learn, how you're going to learn it, and when and where that will happen.

Love, actually

Counselling psychologist Namrata Jain says, "Practise sharing your thoughts and feelings calmly. Make an effort to maintain respect towards your partner and the relationship. Learn to express your love with small gestures of kindness and gratitude," she advises. To enhance your sex life, initiate a discussion with your partner about what (s)he misses or is eager to try. Be patient and open to suggestions, says sexologist Dr Payal Sharma. Holding hands, kissing, and cuddling can enhance intimacy and hence, the quality of your relationship.

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