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First pre-monsoon showers hit Mumbai, brings relief to Mumbaikars

Updated on: 12 May,2017 07:37 PM IST  |  Mumbai
mid-day online correspondent |

Mumbaikars got temporary relief from the hot and humid weather with the first pre-monsoon showers hitting Mumbai on Friday evening. Now, the city is waiting for the monsoon season

First pre-monsoon showers hit Mumbai, brings relief to Mumbaikars

First pre-monsoon showers hit Mumbai
First pre-monsoon showers hit Mumbai. Pic/Shruti Nangia

Mumbaikars got temporary relief from the hot and humid weather with the first pre-monsoon showers hitting Mumbai on Friday evening. Now, the city is waiting for full blown monsoon season.

People in Navi Mumbai's Nerul and Kharghar area as well as Thane were surprised by lightening and thundershowers.

First pre-monsoon showers hit Mumbai. Pic/Silky Sharma

The India Meteorological Department (IMD) had predicted pre-monsoon showers on Friday and rains from the first week of June.

"Rain or thundershowers would occur (on May 12) towards afternoon or evening," the prediction read.

Earlier this week, the IMD had also stated that monsoon rainfall would be 'above normal' this year and higher than the previous forecast, citing a change in the El Nino weather condition.

According to Skymet Weather, a trough is running from Madhya Maharashtra up to West Central Arabian Sea. Due to this, scattered rains have already occurred over Konkan and Goa and adjoining South Madhya Maharashtra. 


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