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Coldplay India tour: Cops ask BookMyShow to take steps for avoiding black-marketing of tickets

Updated on: 07 November,2024 10:07 AM IST  |  Mumbai

The notice was issued to prevent exploitation of fans who buy tickets from online platforms, an official said on Wednesday

Coldplay India tour: Cops ask BookMyShow to take steps for avoiding black-marketing of tickets

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Coldplay India tour: Cops ask BookMyShow to take steps for avoiding black-marketing of tickets

Maharashtra Cyber, the cyber wing of state police, has issued a notice to BookMyShow, asking it to implement strict measures including sale of name-based tickets for the concerts of British band 'Coldplay' in January and other shows.

The notice was issued to prevent exploitation of fans who buy tickets from online platforms, an official said on Wednesday.

There are increasing number of complaints across online forums and social media about problems faced in booking tickets of such high- profile concerts and events through online platforms, he said.

Many people reported unresponsive websites during critical booking period, he said, adding that it leads to black-marketing of tickets at exorbitant prices, sometimes as high as ten times the original price.

Maharashtra Cyber found that the measures taken by the platforms to avoid such situations are insufficient, said the official.

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