St Peter’s parishioners unconvinced, call it temporary move; demand permanent solution
St Peter’s Church hall was packed on Friday during a meeting to discuss the cemetery demolition at Bandra W. Pic/Anurag Ahire
The BMC on Friday withdrew its notice to St Peter’s Cemetery asking for a part of its land to widen the adjacent road. The move came hours after mid-day in a report highlighted the issue. Hundreds of Catholics gathered at St Peter’s Church in Bandra West on Friday to sign a petition against the proposed demolition. The protesters, however, claimed that the civic body’s withdrawal notice was only a temporary one and called for a permanent solution to this.
The protesters who gathered at St Peter’s Church on Friday sought a permanent solution to the issue, failing which they will continue their protest. They also threatened that it would also leave an impact in 60 wards during the upcoming Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation elections.
So far, the protesters have started two campaigns seeking permanent withdrawal of the demolition notice. As part of one campaign, the organisers are collecting signatures in support of keeping the St Peter’s Seaside Cemetery intact. As part of the other campaign, protesters will hold a candle march from St Peter’s Church to the cemetery at 5.30 pm on January 10.
Also read: Mumbai: Not an inch of our cemetery land, say activists
BMC notice
In the earlier notice BMC had stated that 3 to 4 per cent of the cemetery needed to be demolished for the road widening work. The fresh notice issued by the BMC stated, “It can be seen that you were aware of the proposed widening of Kadeshwari Mata Mandir Marg and the property belonging to the catholic cemetery is partly affected. As per the request for reconsideration of the affected portion of cemetery in proposed widening of existing road, and local MLA Ashish Shelar’s representation in this matter for reconsideration on its merit, it is to inform you that your representation is being forwarded to competent authority for further needful. However, the notice issued on January 2 is at present withdrawn.”
Parishioners had turned up in large numbers to sign a petition against the cemetery wall demolition, on Friday. Pic/Anurag Ahire
‘Not acceptable’
Dolphy D’Souza, who is organising the campaign, said, “This is just a temporary notice and not a permanent solution. Many more campaigns will start and we will do all the things legally. This notice is not acceptable. This is the land where our ancestors are buried and we will not give a single inch of land to anyone. If this land is not handed over legally to the catholic cemetery, we will protest. We will show the results in the upcoming BMC elections in 60 wards.”
Feroze Mithiborwala, national convener of Bharat Bachao Andolan and founder-member of Nafrat Chhodo Samvidhan Bachao Abhiyan, said, “The cemetery was targeted with the nefarious design. It is very clear as per the Development Plan that the road can be widened without disturbing the 115-year-old cemetery.” “It is people’s victory over unjust and illegal acquisition as the BMC had to withdraw the notice under public pressure. More power to people,” said activist and advocate Godfrey Pimenta from Watchdog Foundation.
Meanwhile, NCP national spokesperson Clyde Crasto said, “Temporary withdrawal is not acceptable, this notice should be completely and permanently withdrawn because it is not justified.” He added, “So many people, including the St Peter’s Church, made a representation to the BMC, but the H West ward officer only chose to mention the name of Ashish Shelar in his letter; one wonders why!”
Jan 10
Day protesters plan to hold a candlelight vigil over the issue