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Mumbai: Look after environment, Aaditya Thackeray tells BMC

Updated on: 31 October,2021 08:11 AM IST  |  Mumbai
Chetna Sadadekar |

The departments have been informed to use environment-friendly materials for building of infrastructure projects. They have also been instructed to plant more trees in the city

Mumbai: Look after environment, Aaditya Thackeray tells BMC

The protection of Aarey forests has been an issue for the city

Even as Shiv Sena’s Environment Minister Aaditya Thackeray actively promotes environment-friendly activities in the city, there are many projects that the civic officials are in the process of developing, which could harm the [city’s] surroundings. In a bid to ensure that there is minimum damage to the environment, the department has instructed all the other civic departments to tread carefully.

The departments have been informed to use environment-friendly materials for building of infrastructure projects. They have also been instructed to plant more trees in the city. After instances of protests against the razing of certain sections of the Aarey forests, civic officials are keen to take efforts required to protect the environment. 

Explaining this, one of the senior officials who didn’t want to be named, said, “We have asked all the departments to incorporate necessary measures that will help lower the damages; alternatives can be discussed. We will be discussing further course of action with higher authorities to incorporate this as a mandate for all the projects.”

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