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Snake visits Marine Drive promenade, locals try to capture moment

Updated on: 24 February,2017 06:00 AM IST  | 
Asif Rizvi |

Marine Drive promenade had an exciting visitor in the wee hours of Thursday as a two-feet snake slithered on to the scene

Snake visits Marine Drive promenade, locals try to capture moment

Marine Drive promenade had an exciting visitor in the wee hours of Thursday as a two-feet snake slithered on to the scene. Even as many couldn't believe that the snake had crawled in from the seashore, others whipped out their phones to capture the absurdity before them.

“At around 12.30 am, I was walking on the promenade when I saw several people huddle. Among them, a man with a tree branch was trying to grab a snake and direct it towards the tetrapods instead of crawling towards the road. The snake was resisting, but after around 20 minutes, he finally succeeded,” said a visitor at Marine Drive.

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