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Singapore Airlines Flight: Severe Turbulence Leaves One Dead, Passenger Shares Scary Experience

22 May,2024 03:53 PM IST

A Singapore Airline`s aircraft which was hit by a severe turbulence on May 21 resulted in one death and several injuries. After severe turbulence at an altitude of 37,000 feet, the flight made an emergency landing in Bangkok, officials and the airline said. Passengers who were present in the flight at the time of turbulence are still in shock. A 28-year-old passenger Dzafran Azmir who finally reached Singapore on May 22 said that entire thing happened within the span of less than 10 seconds and it was very quick and kept getting worse and worse. He said some people`s heads had slammed into the lights above the seats and punctured the panels. Dzafran Azmir further added he might not feel so good to fly in future. On May 21, the flight from London and bound for Singapore fell into an air pocket while cabin crew were serving breakfast before it encountered turbulence, prompting the pilots to request an emergency landing. The flight had 211 passengers and 18 crew members.  Singapore Airlines CEO Goh Choon Phong expressed his condolences in a video message posted on May 22 to the family and loved ones of a passenger who died after a flight from London to Singapore was hit by heavy turbulence.

22 May,2024 03:53 PM IST

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