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Benjamin Netanyahu calls India a ‘blessing’

Updated on: 29 September,2024 08:22 AM IST  |  United Nations
Agencies |

Both the maps showed Palestinian territories—the West Bank and Gaza—as part of Israel.

Benjamin Netanyahu calls India a ‘blessing’

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu

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Benjamin Netanyahu calls India a ‘blessing’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday blamed Iran as the root cause of the conflict in West Asia as he displayed two maps, showing a group of countries as “The Blessing”, which included India, too, and a group of countries as “The Curse”.

Both the maps showed Palestinian territories—the West Bank and Gaza—as part of Israel. This was his first speech at the United Nations since the Gaza war. Several delegates staged a walkout as the Israeli PM began his speech.

The Israeli prime minister drew a direct link between “The Curse” and Iranian allies. Meanwhile, other countries marked in green included Egypt, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia, representing Israel’s allies or potential allies.

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